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whose head became trapped by closing MTR doors 頭部被地鐵列車車門夾著
Korean-made train 韓國製列車
prised the doors apart 撬開車門


is scheduled for completion by the end of 2008 將於二零零八年底前峻工


experiencing drowsiness while driving 駕駛時昏昏欲睡
Under the KCRC plan, the 17.1 km line will be completed by the end of 2008 and will create 12,000 jobs. 按照九廣鐵路的計劃,新支線將於2008年年底落成,並會製造12,000個職位。


observe traffic laws    遵守交通規則(76)


pickup trucks    小貨車(76)
scrapyard        汽車棄置場(76)
would reach full capacity in 10 years    交通流量會於十年內飽和(76)
Traffic flow on Route 3 has been below original forecasts since opening in 1998 and the operator has run up losses of more than $600 million.    三號幹線於一九九八年通車,流量較預期為差,累積虧損已達六億元。(76)


The Mass Transit Railway Corporation (MTRC) announced a six-month offer starting from December 10 that would give one free ride for every 10 trips taken using an Octopus card within a week.    地鐵宣布自十二月十日起,乘客每周使用八達通乘搭地鐵十次,將可獲得一程免費優惠。(77)
introduce bus transfer discounts   
scrap their diesel-powered vehicles in favour of LPG-powered ones    棄用柴油小巴,改用石油氣小巴(77)
Citybus said the chaos had disrupted 30 routes, while Kowloon Motor Bus said 25 routes were affected.    大塞車,三十條城巴路線和二十五條九巴路線受影響。
inside the Kowloon-bound section of the tunnel    在往九龍方向的隧道管道內(76)
road resurfacing programme    重鋪路面計劃(76)


He urged the mainland and Hong Kong government to open all counters at the Lok Ma Chau border for 24 hours to speed the flow of goods.    他促請中國政府和香港政府二十四小時開放落馬洲邊境所有關卡,以加快貨物運輸速度。(76)
pinpointed logistics as a key component in development   
recruiting the cream of the industry from across the word   
All franchised buses have already switched to ultra-low sulphur diesel.   


The cost of the project will not put any additional pressure on fares.    工程費用將不會轉駕至乘客身上。(77)
safety screen doors    月台幕門(77)
near the entrance of the Kowloon-bound lane of the tunnel    在往九龍方向的隧道入口附近(86)


due for completion at the end of 2005    預計2005年完成(76)
The new system has an estimated lifespan of 10 years.    新(交通燈)系統預計可用十年。(76)


The Government should allow drivers to double meter fares once the No 8 signal has been hoisted.    政府應容許的士司機當八號風球一懸掛,就可以收取雙倍車費。 (78)
an increase in seating capacity from 16 to 24    把坐位由16增至24(77)
would be fitted with Octopus system    將會裝上八達通收費機(77)
installing the Octopus car payment system    裝上八達通收費機(77)
toll tunnels    收費隧道(76)
The 1.3-kilometer Airport Tunnel and the 1.6-kilometre Cheung Tsing Tunnel had a daily average of 60,000 and 83,000 vehicles respectively last year.    機場隧道和長青隧道分別長1.3公里和1.6公里,去年平均每日流量分別為60,000架次和83,000架次。(76)


seek to raise fares by an average of 3.1 per cent after a three-year freeze    凍結收費三年後申請加價,平均加幅百分之三點一(77)
proposing raising fares between 2.5 and three per cent    計劃加價百分之二點五至三(77)
Both corporations' fare rise proposals yesterday triggered protests from lawmakers, some of whom were worried about the lack of a system to monitor fare rises.    兩鐵申請加價引來立法會議員群起反對,他們亦擔心政府缺乏機制監管車費上調。(77)
opposed the fare increase    反對加價(77)


being granted a franchise licence for Hong Kong Island    獲發港島區(巴士)專利權(77)
lost its franchise to New World First Bus    失去專利權,由新巴接手(77)    


called off their blockade of Kwai Chung terminal    結束在貨櫃碼頭的罷駛行動
cargo-handling surcharge    貨櫃處理附加費
initiated the blockade    發起罷駛
caused considerable traffic congestion    造成一定交通擠塞
drive away their vehicles    把車開走/不再罷駛
the blockade    是次罷駛行動
