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reduce nuclear weapons 裁減核武


announce a 17.6 per cent rise in defence spending to speed up modernisation of the military    宣布增加軍費百分之十七點六,以加快軍備現代化進程(135)
have chemical and biological weapons stockpiles    有生化武器庫存(135)
orchestrating a daring incursion into Kashmir    策劃一次大膽的侵入行動,侵略喀什米爾(135)
practicing admirable restraint by not retaliating directly against Pakistan    高度克制,沒有直接向巴基斯坦報復,令人欽佩(135)
tanks rained shells on his office building    坦克車向阿拉法官邸發炮無數(135)
vowed to become a martyr for the Palestinian cause    誓要成為巴勒斯坦的烈士(135)


Taiwan has renewed its request to buy 30 advanced combat helicopters from the United States to boost its defences against the mainland.    台灣重新向美國提出購買三十部戰鬥直升機,以加強軍事實力抗衡中國。(135)


encampment    營地(135)
cantonment    軍營(135)
was pocked with craters    滿布彈坑(135)
volunteering for the jihad    自願參與聖戰
platoon leader    排長(135)
child soldiers    童兵(135)
inducts no soldiers younger than 18 years old    沒有徵召未滿十八歲的士兵(135)
trench    壕溝(135)
are steeped in battle tactics and religious fanaticism    被灌輸戰術和宗教狂熱思想(135)


step up their efforts to track down terrorists    加強追查恐怖份子


is preparing for a prolonged guerilla conflict    準備打長期游擊戰(135)
conduct a long drawn-out guerilla war   
capture bin Laden   
destroy the Taleban   
who are still reeling from the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre on September 11   
levelling two blocks of the World Trade Centre    把兩座世貿中心夷為平地
were beginning to return to their normal routines    開始重過正常生活
pacifying the jittery mood of his people    安撫國民驚惶不安的情緒
anti-aircraft gun    高射炮(135)
rocket launcher    飛彈發射器(135)
ideologue    狂熱宣揚某種理念的人
acolytes    黨羽
Arab radicals     阿拉伯激進人士
Islamic fundamentalists    伊斯蘭原教主義份子
Islamic fanatics    伊斯蘭狂熱份子
temperate Arabs    溫和派的阿拉伯人
nonradical Muslims    溫和派的回教徒
infidel    異教徒
sacrilege    褻瀆神明的事
stooges of the US    美國的走狗
sponsors of terrorism     資助恐怖主義的國家
separatist Muslims in Chechnya    車臣回教分離主義者
have strayed from the fundamentals of the faith    悖離了原教義
Shi'ites    什葉派教徒
Sunnis    遜尼派教徒
routing bin Laden and his network    擊潰拉登和其網絡
terrorist leader    恐怖主義首領
bin Laden or his associates    拉登或其黨羽
the cradle of Islam    伊斯蘭教的發源地
defile the Muslim holy land    褻瀆回教聖地
Mullah Mohammed Omar    塔利班領袖奧馬爾
initiate guerilla warfare    展開游擊戰(135)
invoked the principle of reciprocity    主張以牙還牙
internecine battles    內戰(135)
provide intelligence    提供情報


US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
hand over Bin Laden   
Northern Alliance    北方聯盟
reprisal attack    報復襲擊
chemical or biological weapons    生化武器
anthrax    炭疽菌
A possible third case of anthrax infection has been found in the United States following the death of one sufferer in Florida and the discovery of the deadly germ in the nose of a co-worker.    美國發生第三宗懷疑感染炭疽菌個案。佛羅里達不久前有人感染炭疽菌死亡,及後在他的一名同事的鼻子也發現此奪命病菌。(135)
fears of bio-terrorism surged   
anthrax spores   
ground forces   
has tested positive for anthrax    感染炭疽菌(135)
skin anthrax
respiratory anthrax
receiving a suspicious letter containing powdery substance    收到內含可疑粉末的郵件(135)
containing a suspicious powder    藏有可疑粉末(135)
send coded signals    發放暗號
US attacks on Afghanistan must not lead to unnecessary civilian casualties.    美國若然襲擊阿富汗,必須確保不會誤傷平民。(135)
cooperate on intelligence matters    協助搜集情報
interdict financing of terrorist organisation    堵截恐怖份子財路
avoid innocent casualties    避免傷害平民


commissioned in the 1980s    在八十年代服役(135)
jihad    (回教)聖戰(135)
launch a jihad    發動聖戰(135)
infidel    異教徒(135)
providing military backing    提供軍事援助(135)
strengthen our intelligence capabilities    強化情報蒐集能力(135)


Yasukuni shrine    靖國神社(135)
sacrificed their lives for the country    為國捐軀(135)
refuse to surrender their weapons     拒絕解除武裝(135)
prevent the appalling bloodshed seen in Bosnia and Kosovo    預防波斯尼亞和科索沃的流血事件重演(135)


Anti-Ballistic Missile agreement    反彈道導彈條約(135)
aim their nuclear weapons at each other    互相以核武瞄準對方(135)
objected to any deployment of weapons in space    反對在太空部署任何武器(135)
approved a robust arms package for Taiwan    同意出售強力武器予台灣(135)
counter a possible sea blockade by the mainland    對抗中國大陸可能發動的海上封鎖(135)
reduced its batteries of short-range ballistic missiles aimed at Taiwan    減少瞄準台灣的彈導飛彈數量(135)
arms-sales plan for Taiwan    對台售武計劃(135)
expanding military build-up    擴充軍備(135)
the military balance in the Taiwan Strait    台海兩岸的軍事平衡(135)
conducting two test firings of surface-to-surface missiles    試射兩次地對地導彈(135)
pacifist    和平主義者(135)


help maintain the military balance of power in the Taiwan Strait    維持兩岸軍事力量平衡(135)
Kidd-class destroyers    紀德級驅逐艦(135)
had no intention of starting an arms race    無意展開軍事競賽(135)


expand its military build-up    擴充軍備
adding fuel to the flame    火上加油
involves more than 300 missiles pointed at Taiwan    包括超過三百枚對準台灣的導彈
If the US were to sell advanced weapons to Taiwan such as the Aegis, that could be very detrimental to China-US relations.    如果美國售予台灣像神盾級戰艦般的先進武器,中美關係將會大受影響。
America's principal foe    美國頭號敵人


help Taiwan defend itself    幫助台灣自衛
made no clear commitment in approving new arms sales to the island     沒有承諾會再向台灣售賣武器
Aegis-class destroyers    神盾級軍艦
providing Taiwan arms for self-defence    售賣武器予台灣自衛
