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stage a three-day hunger strike 絕食三日


Police said about 25,000 civil servants joined the protest while unionists claimed more than 35,000 took part. 警方估計有約二萬五千人參與示威,工會領袖則表示有逾三萬五千人參與。
a protest zone 示威區


45,000 people flocked to Victoria Park last night to commemorate the Tiananmen Square massacre. 四萬五千市民昨夜齊集維園,悼念六四事件。
The organisers of the annual vigil, the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of the Patriotic Democratic Movement in China, reported the crowd to have been 45,000, slightly lower than last year's 48,000. However, police put this year's attendance at only about 18,000. 燭光晚會主辦團體支聯會估計共有四萬五千人參與晚會,略低於去年的四萬八千人。但警方估計今年出席人數只有一萬八千人。
has attended every Victoria Park vigil since 1990 自一九九零年起每年都出席燭光晚會
Protesters vowed to hold commemorative activities until Beijing's verdict vindicating the crackdown was overturned. 示威者誓言除非中國政府平反六四,否則一直都會舉行悼念活動。


high-profile activists 知名民運人士
unauthorised protests 非法示威


unfurled a banner reading FALUN GONG IS GOOD    拉開一幅「法輪大法好」的布條(123)


chained themselves to a van    把自己鎖在一架客貨車上(123)
being man-handled by offices    被警員抬走(123)


Thousands of protesters in at least four different demonstrations took to the windswept and rainy streets yesterday to air their grievances on the fourth anniversary of the SAR's establishment.    昨日是特區成立四周年紀念日。縱使風雨交加,仍有至少四群示威人士上街遊行抗議。(123)
carrying a mock wooden tomb sumbolising the "death of democracy, human rights and rule of law"   手持木製假墓碑,象徵「民主、人權和法治之死」(123)
clashed with police    和警方衝突(123)
were stopped and told to change the route for security reasons    因保安原因被截停並要求更改遊行路線(123)


staged a sit-down protest outside the government headquarters and practised meditation    在政府總部門外靜坐抗議和練功(123)
We want a direct dialogue with him.    我們要求和他直接對話。(123)


threatened to call the police to remove hecklers    恐嚇會報警帶走滋事者(123)
planning a demonstration when President Jiang Zemin visits next month    計劃在江澤民來月訪港時示威(123)


expressed their indignation at the group    對他們(的行徑)表示震怒
