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Unions have vowed to take the government to court over controversial legislation passed yesterday enforcing pay cuts for 180,000 civil servants. 立法會昨日通過立法減薪,裁減十八萬名公務員的薪金,備受廣大爭議。工會誓言會控告政府。
strengther dialogue with civil servant groups 與公務員團體加強對話/加強溝通
Felix Cheung Kwok-biu, chairman of the General Civil Servants' Union 公務員總工會主席張國標
Stephen Wong Wai-hung, spokesman for the Joint Committee of the Disciplined Services Staff Association 紀律部隊人員總工會主席黃偉雄
Leung Chau-ting, president of the Federation of Civil Service Unions 公務員工會聯合會主席梁籌庭
protest against legislation to cut their pay 抗議立法減薪


accused them of jeopardising their livelihoods 指責(記者的報道)影響了他們的生計


pay trend survey 薪酬趨勢調查


refused to rule out further job losses    拒絕承諾不再裁員
cannot guarantee no lay-offs    不能承諾不再裁員
staff unions    工會
warned of industrial action and large-scale demonstrations    警告或會採取工業行動或舉行大規模示威
affected staff    受影響員工
received letters of dismissal    收到大信封
receive up to six months' pay    可獲最多六個月薪金作遣散賠償
redundant workers/the sacked workers    被解僱員工
work-to-rule    按章工作
announcing a one-year moratorium on firing    宣布一年內不會裁員
a prelude to mass lay-offs    大規模裁員的先兆/前奏   


had studied only to the second year of secondary school    只讀到中二
was made redundant from a hotel job before even passing probation    未過試用期就被酒店辭退了


have no promotion prospects    無晉升機會


More than 16 per cent of workers are not insured by any Mandatory Provident Fund scheme.    超過百分之十六的僱員未受強積金計劃保障。
Their employers had not enrolled them in any MPF scheme.    僱主未有為他們供強積金。


Legislators seized on the pay and perks, which include club memberships and the use of three yachts, to criticise the corporation for failing to cut executives' benefits while insisting fare rises come in next April.    立法會議員批評九鐵堅持明年四月加價之餘,卻沒有減省董事過高的酬金和福利。他們的福利包括豪華會所會籍和三艘遊艇。(93)
32,000 temporary jobs would be created to relieve the unemployment problem.   


create employment opportunities    創造就業機會(92)
It was the third consecutive quarter the jobless rate had risen.    失業率已連續三季攀升。(92)


cut 3,000 or so jobs from an already depleted workforce    本來人手就不夠,現在再裁減約三千名員工(92)


were reinstated    (被解雇後)得以復職(92)
middle-to-high income earners    中至高入息人士(93)


face the sack    將被解僱(92)
the 290 sacked workers    二百九十名被解僱員工(92)
the laid-off employees    被解僱員工(92)
refused to promise there would be no more redundancies    拒絕承諾不再裁員(92)
stop introducing outside talent    停止引入外地專才(94)
starting salaries    起薪點(93)
reopen negotiations    重新展開談判(95)


The Executive Council yesterday endorsed a pay rise offer to all 320,000 civil servants and staff at subsidised organisations which will cost the Government an estimated $4 billion a year.    行政會議昨日通過三十二萬名公務員和附屬機構員工的加薪方案,預計政府每年開支會增加四十億元。(93)
Civil servants have had their salaries frozen for the past two years.    公務員經已凍薪兩年。(93)
A 4.99 per cent rise for senior employees was too high and could cause a chain reaction in the private sector.    高級公務員4.99的加薪幅度偏高,可能會在商界引起連鎖反應。(93)
Cathay Pacific management and pilots will meet again on Friday morning in a last-ditch attempt to avert threatened industrial action.    國泰勞資雙方將在周五早上盡最後努力,希望成功取消工業行動。(95)
Cathay pilots yesterday voted overwhelmingly in favour of launching industrial action on July 1 that will create holiday chaos during the busy summer season.    國泰機師昨日投票表決,大比數通過在七月一日展開工業行動。由於七月是旅遊旺季,預料屆時會引起混亂。(95)
We're willing to be generous but we can't agree to pay rises that will cause irretrievable damage to the competitiveness of the airline and Hong Kong.    我們樂意為機師提供更佳薪酬,但加薪幅度過高,將會對香港和航空公司的競爭力構成無法彌補的傷害,對此我們不能妥協。(95)
urged Cathay to return to the negotiating table    促請國泰資方重返談判桌(95)


Indonesian maid    印傭(94)


did not cap the number of imported mainland professionals    沒有設定輸入內地專才數目上限


take on part-time job    做兼職
were using company time to conduct personal affairs    用上班時間做私人事情
cut the wages of those on suspension    停職時扣薪
create 18,400 new jobs    (迪士尼樂園)製造18,400個職位
ignored safety rules    妄顧安全守則
a lack of even rudimentary safety measures    連最基本的安全措施也沒有
