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using different tactics to avoid MPF contributions    為了逃避強積金供款,無所不用其技(45)
start making contributions to the Mandatory Provident Fund     開始為強積金供款(45)
duty rosters    編更(45)
rostering dispute    編更問題(45)
two sets of rostering system in use    現時兩套的編更制度(45)
would be forced to take industrial action    會被迫採取工業行動(45)
no agreement was reached    談判無成果(45)
resolution    (勞資雙方)和解(45)


Employees are likely to get a pay rise of less than three per cent next year as more bosses introduce performance-linked bonuses and hire contract or part-time staff, a study has found.    據一項研究表示,由於越來越多僱主採用和表現掛鉤的花紅制度和聘用合約制或兼職員工,本地員工來年可獲的加薪幅度將少於百分之三。(45)
would award a pay rise    會加薪(45)
freeze pay    凍薪(45)
give the pay rises only to the better performers    只給表現較佳的員工加薪(45)
experience another year of pay freezes    來年再度被凍薪(45)
using more staff on contract terms or on a part-time basis    聘用越來越多合約制或兼職員工(45)
casual staff    散工、臨時工人(45)
daily-paid    發日薪的(45)
foreman    工頭、領班(45)
face up to reality    面對現實(45)
offer voluntary redundancy packages    提出自願離職休計劃(45)
voluntary early retirement package    自願提早退休計劃(45)
would retain their full retirement packages as well as a payout of nine months' basic salary    可保留所有退休保障計劃及額外獲得九個月薪酬(45)
save up to HK$61 million in staff costs    可省回六千一百萬元人工開支(45)
a possible relaxation on the importation of mainland professionals    可能放寬輸入內地專才(45)
there will be a shortage of 116,900 jobs requiring education levels of secondary and above    中學及以上教育程度的人才將短缺116,900人(45)
Growth in staffing requirements will be greatest for semi-professionals and professionals, with increases of 47 per cent and 40 per cent respectively from 1999 and 2005.    由一九九九年至二零零五年,半專業人士和專業人士的人力需求將分刷增長百分之四十七和百分之四十。(45)


job-creation plan    創造就業機會的計劃(45)
This means the workers, in effect, pays the Government's contributions to MPF from their own pocket.    這表示公務員實際上要自己供原本政府負責供的強積金部分。(45)
taking the opportunity of the implementation of the MPF system to make cutbacks in the existing salaries and benefits of employees    利用實行強積金的機會去削減員工薪金和福利(45)
adults in work    在職成年人(45)


new entrants    新入行的(45)
cut the size of the workforce to save costs    減省人手,節省成本(45)
employers would move their operations across the border    商人會把業務北移(45)


child labourers    童工(45)
underage workers    童工(45)
got only one or two days off a month    每月只有一兩假期(45)
breaching the mainland's labour ordinance on minimum wage and minimum age    違反內地勞工法例對最低工資和最低工作年齡的要求(45)


face exploitation    遭到剝削(45)
an eight-hour day and a minimum wage are achievable and can be afforded by employers    每日八小時工作和最低工資制是可行的,僱主不會負擔不來(45)
Businesses in other countries can survive with controls on working hours and a minimum wage. I'm sure it will work in Hong Kong, too.    既然其他國家都能成功限制每日工作小時和實施最低工資,我相信在香港也一定可以。(45)
Chan Kam-hong, of the Association for the Rights of Industrial Accidents Victims    工業傷亡權益會總幹事陳錦康(45)
A court has fined an ice-making factory $40000 after a 17-year-old pupil doing a summer job at $20 an hour had its foot severed in an ice machine on his first day of work last year.    去年一名十七歲學童在一製冰廠做暑期工,時薪二十元。他在工作的第一天就發生意外,被切下一腳,製冰廠昨日被法庭判罰四萬元。(45)
Seapower was charged under the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance, which carries a maximum fine of $500000 and a six-month jail sentence.    聯益(海暉)製冰集團違反提供安全工作場所的一般性責任條款,最高罰款為五十萬元及入獄六個月。(45)
sacked more than a quarter of its Hong Kong workforce    裁減本地人手逾四分一(45)
have about 420 staff divided equally between Hong Kong and mainland    有四百二十員工,本地和內陸各佔一半(45)
had no plans to trim staff    不打算裁減人手(45)




imported labour    外勞(45)


stage walk-outs or work-to-rule actions    發動罷工或怠工行動(45)
He said morale among the remaining staff had been badly shaken by the sackings and the employees feared they could be next in line for the axe.    他表示是次裁員令員工大受打擊,士氣低落,人人自危,擔心自己會是下一個遭解僱。(45)
organise a signature petition    發動簽名請願行動(45)
decide on the next course of action    決定下一部行動(45)





