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achieved Grade A's in at least eight subjects 獲得八優或以上佳績
achieving straight A's in 10 subjects 獲得十優佳績
failed all subjects (會考)得零分
early-admission scheme 拔尖計劃
reduce student intakes 減少收生
drastically increase the medical student intake 大幅增加醫學院的學額


were this year allocated their first-choice school 今年獲派第一志願
were offered places at one of their first three choices 獲派首三志願
were ranked as band one students 列作第一組別學生
associate-degree places 副學士學位
visiting Beijing on a study tour 到北京遊學
were on a Putonghua summer study trip 參加暑期普通話遊學團
ended textbook censorship 不再審查教科書


serving teachers 現職教師


the staff at Hong Kong's eight higher education institutions    香港八所大專院校教職員(67)
signed a joint statement opposing the delinking of their pay scale with civil servants    聯署反對薪酬和公務員脫鉤(67)
The Federation of Hong Kong Higher Education Staff Association
split university into research and teaching-oriented institutions    把大學分為研究型和教學型(67)
chair professors    講座教授(67)
streaming the eight government-funded tertiary institutions into research or teaching entities    把八所政府資助的大專院校分為研究型和教學型(67)
elite students' class    精英班(67)
stultifying teaching method    單調沉悶的教學方法(67)
are not conducive to a positive relationship between young people and their teachers    不利師生關係(67)


schools taking part in the direct subsidy scheme    直資學校(67)
switched to the subsidy scheme    轉為直資學校(67)
enjoy more freedom in enrolling students    收生時有更大自由度(67)
China's entry to the World Trade Organisation had raised interest in studying in the mainland.    隨著中國入世,越來越多人有興趣到內地深造。(70)
entry examination    入學試(70)


urged schools to help cut the weight of pupils' bags    呼籲學校設法減輕學童書包重量(73)
did not have the necessary resources to provide lockers    缺乏資源設置儲物櫃(73)
carrying a bag weighing 3.8 kg    背著的書包重達3.8公斤(73)
help students reduce the weight of bags    設法減輕學童書包重量(73)
speeding up the process of whole-day schooling    加快推行全日制小學(67)
The Government has set the target for full implementation of whole-day primary schooling for 2007/2008.    政府定下目標,於二零零七至二零零八學年全面推行全日制小學。(67)
forgo school    放棄學業(67)


The mainland children will be exempted from school fees of between $1,650 and $1,980 a month.    該些無證兒童可獲豁免每月1650元至1980元的學費。(72)


The amount of government subsidy depends on the number of students they admit.    政府資助額視乎收生人數而定。(72)
educational television programme    教育電視節目(67)


prepare each one of us for the advent of the knowledge-based economy    裝備所有市民,務求他們適應知識型經濟(68)
increase the number of post-secondary places   
improve the transition from secondary school to post-secondary education   
push ahead with reforms to our university system   
All newly-appointed kindergarten teachers will need five passes in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, including Chinese and English.   
self-financing places   
Youth Pre-employment Training Programme   
Project Springboard    毅進計劃(68)
alleviate the problem of a shortfall in school places    紓緩學額不足的問題(70)
expedite the implementation of whole-day primary schooling   
promote bi-literacy and tri-lingualism   
upgrade the language ability of our students   
Four-year university degrees are an international norm.   
They are bound to evoke different responses from the community in the early stages of implementation.   
Despite the pressure of economic downturn on public finances, our resolve to invest in education is unshaken.   
educational CD-ROM   
prod children's intellectual growth    加快兒童智力發展(67)
enhances a child's intellectual growth    加快兒童智力成長(67)
motivate students' interest in learning    引起學生學習的興趣(67)


improving cost-effectiveness and seeking private donations    改善成本效益,並尋求私人資助(72)
The university already ranked among the best in the world in some academic areas.   
junior formers   
lower-form students   
used textbooks   
second-hand bookstores   
supplementary exercise books   


the number of students eligible to go on to Secondary Six    有資格升讀中六的學生數目(70)
associate degree courses    副學士課程(67)
getting a pass in English    英文及格(67)
Girls have significantly widened the performance gap with boys in this year's Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examinations.    今年女生的會考成績比男生好,兩者差距比往年大幅增加。(70)
do not speak English as their first tongue    母語不是英語(71)
sophomores    高中生(67)


Of 413 candidates, including 141 serving teachers, who sat the benchmark test in March, two-thirds failed in the writing assessment and half in the oral part.    共有四百一十三名考生在三月應考英文基準試,其中包括一百四十一名在職教師。三分二考生寫作不及格,口試不及格的亦有五成。(71)
after they obtain their exam results    他們收到考試成績後(70)
re-sit the exam    重考(70)
But she advises those who fared poorly not to lose hope.    她同時呼籲成績欠佳的考生不要絕望。(70)
Hong Kong evolves into an increasingly knowledge-based economy.    香港正續漸演變成知識型社會。(68)
receive their secondary school placement    領取中一派位結果(70)
School allocations will be announced on July 17.    派位結果將在七月十七日公布。(70)
trigger off students' creativity    啟發學生創意(68)
pilot scheme    試驗計劃(69)
maintaining discipline in a class of 40    維持課堂秩序,課室共有四十名學生上課(67)
widen their international perspective    擴闊國際視野(68)
stay behind after class     留堂(67)
frightening her son without considering his feelings    (老師)恐嚇兒子時沒有顧及兒子感受(67)
interrogate her son in presence of his classmates    (老師)在一眾學生面前盤問兒子(67) 
cultivate critical thinking skills in young minds    培育年青人獨立思考技巧(68)
were brought up in a different culture    在不同文化環境中成長(67)
rote-learning    死記硬背的學習方法(67)
are disappointed by their placements    對派位表示失望(70) 
fostering traits    培養良好品格(68)
being sycophantic to teachers    奉承老師(67)
admission policy    收生政策(70)


preserving and disseminating Chinese culture    保存及弘揚中華文化(68)
emphasises bilingualism as the basis of its teaching    著重雙語教學(71)
reduce the exam-heavy bias of SAR education    (一條龍計劃)讓香港教育不再側重考試成績(70)
a mutually compatible education philosophy    (具有)共同教學理念(67)
New schools would be required to leave 20 per cent of their secondary one places to students outside the ''through-train'' scheme.    新加入「一條龍」計劃的中學每年須預留百分之二十的中一學位予非直屬小學的學生報讀。(70)


do not get enough sleep because of examination pressures and too much homework    因考試壓力和功課過多而睡眠不足(67)
sacrifice sleep for revision    為了溫習而不睡覺(67)
had fallen asleep in class    曾上堂時睡著(67)


English-language benchmark assessment test    英文基準試
have no objection to the benchmark test itself    對基準試本身並不反對
are exempt from the test    豁免基準試
failed to put more resources into education    未有在教育方面投入更多資源


a liberal arts college    實行「博雅教育」的大學
reduce significantly the number of our academic staff    大量裁減教職員數目
have some prejudice against the local education system    對本地教育制度存有偏見
