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brand-name goods    名牌貨
dote on their children    溺愛子女
narcissistic    自我陶醉的
was still not providing sufficient finances for English education    仍沒有在英語教育方面撥足夠款項
has a strong following among men in their 30s    不少三十來歲的男性著迷(此玩意)


came from a dysfunctional family    出身破碎家庭(33)
Project Springboard    毅進計劃(32)
reveller    縱酒狂歡的人、尋歡作樂的人(33)
partygoers    去宴會作樂的人(33)
music was blaring    音響大吵大鬧(33)


an increasingly reclusive lifestyle    越來越離群的生活(33)
becoming underweight because they were obsessed with dieting    因崇尚節食而導致體重過輕(33)
have flouted government guidelines    違反政府指引(32)
making profits of up to 159 per cent by imposing a wealth of miscellaneous charges on parents    向家長收取大量雜費,利潤高達159%(32)
Some kindergartens made more than $2 million in profits but were still given rent and rates reimbursement of more than $460,000.    有部分幼稚園利潤超過二百萬元,但仍獲發還租金和差餉超過四十六萬元。(32)
derived substantial profits from miscellaneous fees    從雜費中賺取可觀利潤(32)
withholding subsidies    停止給予津貼(32)
exposing non-compliant kindergartens    公開違規幼稚園的名單(32)
non-profit kindergartens    非牟利幼稚園 (32)
copycat    模仿他人行為的人(33)   


Professional Teachers' Union    教育專業人員協會(32)
practical school    實用中學(32)
Education Convergence vice-president Ho Hong-kuen    教評會副主席何漢權(32)
pupils who could not fit into the mainstream schools    未能適應主流教育的學生(32)


mother-tongue teaching policy    母語教學政策(32)
opposing the switch to Cantonese    反對轉用廣東話(教學)(32)
switch back to English    改回用英語教學(32)
two-mode teaching    中英教學並行(32)
are capable of delivering lessons in English    能夠用英語授課(32)
an independent inquiry    獨立調查委員會(32)
calculated to inhibit his right to academic freedom    蓄意防礙鐘的學術自由(32)
is now likely to come under increased pressure to resign    下台壓力勢將越來越大(32)
threatened legal action    聲稱會採取法律行動(32)
In his testimony, Professor Cheng said Mr Lo had asked him whether Dr Chung conducted his polls in his personal capacity or in the name of the university.    鄭耀宗在證詞中表示,路祥安曾問他鐘庭耀的民調是以個人身份發表還是以學校名義發表。(32)
In the meantime, I have not consider resignation.    現時我不會考慮辭職。(32)
are still struggling to buy complete sets of textbooks for their children    仍然未能買齊書(32)
still has a few school books missing    仍有幾本書買不到(32)
leave her family behind to study medicine overseas    離開家人到海外讀醫(32)
was accepted into the faculty of medicine    獲醫學院取錄(32)
being refused admission to college    不被學院取錄(32)
The university denies it has any racial preference or discrimination in making its selection of new students.    港大否認在選取學生時有種族歧視。(32)
received preferential treatment    受到特殊待遇(32)
a knowledge-based economy/society    知識型社會(32)
building an education system conducive to lifelong learning and the all-round development of every individual    建立新的教育制度,以全民都終生學習和作出通才發展為目標(32)  
sole-searching    自我反省(32)
on-the-job training    在職進修(32)
distance learning/on-line classes    遙距教學(32)


had expressed dismay about the polls to Professor Cheng    向鄭耀宗表示對民調不滿(32)
dry up our research programme    陰乾我們的研究項目(32)
replica weapons/ toy weapons    (漫畫)武器仿製品(33)
may be restricted to people aged over 18    或會禁止十八歲以上人士購買(33)
Comics Fair    漫畫展(33)
promotional items    附送贈品(33)
give-away toys    附送玩具(33) 
voiced three concerns    提出三點關注(32)
relayed Mr Tung's concern    轉達特首關注(32)
confirmed Professor Cheng Kai-ming's account    證實程介明的講法(32)
encroachment on academic freedom    侵害學術自由(32)
clear the name of the vice-chancellor    還校長一個清白(32)
play truant    逃學、曠課(32)


scored a record seven As    破紀錄考獲七優(32)
has applied to the medical school at Chinese University    報讀中大醫學院(32)
Universities may admit students based on non-academic merits, regardless of their A-level results.    大學可以不依高考成績,而按其他與學業成績無關的準則來收生。(32)
Hok Yau Club, which operates a help line for students, has received at least 50 calls with most expressing distress over disappointing results.    學友社收到最少五十個求助電話,大部分求助同學都因為成績不理想而感到苦惱。(32)
Worried parents flooded Education Department and voluntary organisations' hotlines yesterday, voicing discontent over their children's Secondary One allocations.    很多家長昨日致電教署和其他志願團體熱線,投訴派位不理想。(32)
Some complained that their children were allocated places in areas such as Tseung Kwan O.    有些家長投訴子女被派到將軍澳等地區。(32)
A total of 579 Primary Six students who studied in Wong Tai Sin were admitted to secondary schools in Tseung Kwan O, where secondary schools have taken in 850 students from other districts this year.    總共有579名在黃大仙區的小學就讀的學生被派往將軍澳。將軍澳區的中學今年共收850名跨區學生。(32)
have been given places outside the districts of their primary schools    跨區升中(32)
serve a probation order or community service    受感化令或社會服務令(33)
get permanent criminal records    留案底(33)
Hong Kong University vice-chancellor Cheung Yiu-chung    港大校長鄭耀宗(32)
pro-vice-chancellor Wong Siu-lun    港大副校長黃紹倫(32)
Robert Chung Ting-yiu    鐘庭耀(32)
stop conducting surveys on the Chief Executive's popularity and the Government's credibility    停止做關於特首民望和政府公信力的調查(32)
dispel various speculation    消除各方揣測(32)
make public the identity of the 'third party'    向公眾揭露第三者是誰(32)
He said he was not able to respond fully, because he did not have the full details.    他表示由於沒有完全了解整件事件,不能作全面回應。(32)
stop his polling work    停止民意調查(32)
scooter    滑板車(33)
named the 'third party' as Professor Cheng    指「第三者」是鄭耀宗(32)
construed Mr Lo's remarks as pressure    認為路祥安的話等同施壓(32)
students with indifferent academic records but outstanding non-academic achievements    成績平庸但課外活動出色的學生(32)
granting university admission to    授予大學學位(32)


urged the union to withdraw the boycott plan    呼籲他們取消杯葛行動(32)
Meanwhile, remarks by assistant director for education Anthony Tong Kai-hong that teachers who failed the test could become school librarians have drawn fire.    與此同時,教育署副署長湯啟康備受抨擊。事緣他日前表示語文基準試不合格的老師可以轉任圖書館主任。(32)


propose the abolition of the dreaded Academic Aptitude Test    提議廢除可怕的學能測驗(32)
The Post understands that primary schools will only be allowed to select 15 per cent of their Primary One intake, instead of the present 65 per cent. However secondary schools will be able to increase their discretionary intake from 10 per cent to 30 per cent.    據本報了解,小學的小一自行收生率將由百分之六十五降至百分之十五,但是中學的中一自行收生率則由百分之十升至百分之三十。(32)
The proposals have drawn a mixed reaction from educators.    教育界人士對是項建議意見不一。(32)
choose students on the basis of academic results    按成績來收生(32)
allow secondary schools more discretion    讓中學自行收多些學生(32)
catchment area    (學校)學生來源的區域(32)
fostering the all-round development of students    鼓勵學生作全面發展(32)
pledged no student would be denied education    保證所有學生都有書讀(32)
Chairman Antony Leung Kam-chung said no detailed estimate of the extra costs the reform would entail had been made.    教統會主席梁錦松表示,沒有仔細估計教育改革需要多少額外開支。(32)
A slight increase in fees would impose a heavy burden on low-income families.    輕微的學費加幅對低收入的家庭來說都會是一個重擔。(32) 
gifted students    有資質的學生(32)
screaming into arts and sciences should be scrapped    不應該再分文理班(32)
a credit-transfer system    學分互通制度(32)
elite school    名校(32) 
Based on a survey of 360 kindergartens -- nearly half of those in the SAR -- the council found that parents of kindergarten children paid an average of $2,930 in miscellaneous fees a year.    消委會調查了全港近一半(360間)幼稚園,發現幼稚園平均每年向每個學生收取2930元雜費。(32)
charged extra for air-conditioning    收取冷氣費(32)
double-glazed windows    隔音玻璃窗(32)
Wu Chiu-ha, chairwoman of the Hong Kong Kindergartens' Association    幼稚園協會主席胡肖霞(32)
restricted students and parents to buying items only from their school    規定學生和家長向學校購買各項物件(32)
said snack fees were not value for money    認為茶點費物無所值(32)
language benchmark examination    語文基準測試(32)
publicly rejected a boycott of the test    公開反對杯葛語文基準試(32)     


truancy    逃學、曠課(33)
received greater acceptance from their peers    更為朋輩所接受(33)
Dyed hair was widely accepted by the general public    大部分人都接受染髮(33)
wanted to attract attention    希望引人注目(33)
Officials have suggested the fee system be changed so students are charged according to the costs of their course.    政府建議實施大學分科收費,根據各科成本來設定學費。(32)
skate bic    滑板車(33)
launched a worldwide hunt for a replacement    在全球物色替換人選(32)




group mentality    羊群心理(33)
throwing their life away to alocohol    因酗酒而前途盡毀(33)


dropped out of Stanford University    放棄了史丹福大學的學業(32)
impressionable    易受影響的(33)
instil    逐步灌輸(32)
spoke out against the promotion of homosexuality    公開反對(在學校)宣揚同性戀