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carry the hepatitis B virus 帶有乙型肝炎病菌/乙型肝炎帶菌
waiting for a liver transplant 等候接受肝臟移植手術
received a transplant two years ago 兩年前接受肝臟移植手術
got seven or eight stitches in his knee 膝部聯了七至八針
are infected with HIV 感染愛滋病病毒
died instantly 當場死亡/當場喪生
granting money to allwo more liver transplants 增加撥款以進行更多換肝手術
conducts more transplants 進行較多移植手術
refused the transplant team permission to use the liver 不許醫生使用該個肝臟進行移植手術
had performed three liver transplants this month 本月共進行三次肝臟移植手術
appendectomy 盲腸切除手術
brain stem was dead 腦幹已死


are tragically susceptible to serious congenital illnesses 很有可能會患上嚴重遺傳病
genetic disorders 遺傳病
cystic fibrosis 囊腫性纖維化
congenital heart defects 先天性心臟病
increase your risk of getting cancer 增加患癌機會
reduce your risk of cancer 減低患癌機會
has been shown to cause cancer in lab rats 被證實會導致實驗室的老鼠患癌
wanted to ship the bodies back to the SAR 希望把遺體運回本港
progressive addition lenses/progressive lenses 漸進式鏡片/漸進鏡片
ease myopia 減輕近視度數
suffer short-sightedness 患有近視
single-vision lenses 普通近視鏡片/非漸進式鏡片
slow down the development of myopia 紓緩近視加深速度
deliver babies 生孩子
women in advanced stages of pregnancy 快生孩子的孕婦
Siamese twins 連體嬰


suffered sleep deprivation 睡眠不足


columbarium 骨灰甕安置所
has 490 niches to hold the ashes 共可安置四百九十人的骨灰
hillside burial 山墳
helps determine a good location for burials 幫助尋找好風水的墓地
inter 埋、葬
cremate a body 火化屍體
imposing fees for emergency medical treatment at the casualty wards of public hospitals 急症室收費
conduct rituals mourning the dead 拜祭死者
send my wishes to other victims' families 祝福其他死難者家屬
recover from the grief 心情回復過來
extends condolences to the family of the victims 向死難者家屬致以慰問
second-hand smoke 二手煙
help patients quit smoking 幫助病人戒煙
The clinics charge $37 per visit. 該些診所每次求診收費37元。
The success rate for six months' treatment was only 45.2 per cent. 六個月的療程成功率只有百分之45.2。


called the emergency services    叫救傷車/召喚救護車(5)
received a transplant    接受移植手術(12)
needed an immediate transplant    需要立即接受移植手術(12)
I really hope Hong Kong people are more generous with organ donations.    我真的希望香港人不要吝嗇捐贈器官。(12)
was living in Britain at the height of the UK's mad-cow disease epidemic    在英國爆發瘋牛症疫症時於英國居住(6)


were found lying unconscious in pools of blood     被發現躺臥在血泊中昏迷不醒(5)
suffered multiple injuries to her body    身體多處受傷(5)
seek medical attention for their pain     因為痛所以看醫生(6)
presbyopia    老花眼(14)
reading glasses/bifocals    老花眼鏡(14)
hospice    善終醫院(3)


received a bone marrow transplant    接受骨髓移植(12)
HHV-7 is transmitted through saliva and is difficult to prevent.    HHV-7病毒可經口水傳染,防不勝防。(6)


She was never contagious and is expected to recover fully.    她的病不會傳染別人。預期她可以完全康復。(6)
have tested HIV-positive    感染愛滋病毒(6)
having their first pre-natal check-up    做第一次產前檢查(11)
pedicure    修甲(10)


incubation period    潛伏期(6)
cadaver    屍體(23)
deceased    死者(23)
funeral cloth    壽衣(23)
hearse    靈車(23)
pro-lifers/pro-life forces    反墮胎人士(11)
develop resistance to medicine    (病菌)產生抗藥性(6)


whose cancer had metastasized to the liver    癌細胞已擴散至肝臟(9)
failed to respond to chemotherapy treatments    化療後病情未有改善(9)
put together cocktails of treatments    同時使用數種療法(9)
stop tumors from growing    防止腫瘤生長(9)
keep cancer from worming its way into surrounding tissue    防止腫瘤擴散到周圍的組織(9)
vomiting blood    在吐血(5)
habitual smoker    煙民(6)
circumcise    割包皮(11)
dislocate    脫臼(5)
dark circles    黑眼圈(14)
raccoon eyes    熊貓眼(14)
concealer    遮瑕膏(14)
cotton swabs    棉花棒(3)
died from heatstroke    中暑致死(14)
quadriplegics    四肢麻痺的患者(14)    


corrective contact lenses    矯視隱形眼鏡(14)
suffered permanent eye damage    視力永久受損(14)
optician    眼鏡店、眼鏡配鏡師(14)
ophthalmology    眼科學(14)
The Hospital Authority said regulation of health-care products was not within its scope of responsibility.    醫院管理局表示保健用品不在其監管範圍。(14)
optometrist    驗光師(14)
corneal ulcer    角膜潰瘍(14)
lens dispenser    配鏡師(14)
abrasion    磨損(5)
bacterial infection    細菌感染(6)
Optometrists Board
The Hong Kong Orthokeratology Association    香港角膜矯形學會(14)
lost 80 per cent of the sight in her left eye    左眼視力受損八成(14)
suffered sight problems    有眼科疾病(14)
metastasize    (癌症)擴散至其他地方(9)
reattach    (斷肢)重新接上(10)
glaucoma    青光眼(14)
eye doctor    眼科醫生(14)
have an incurable disorder    罹患不治之症、身患絕症(6)
can be verified with psychological testing    可用心理測驗來證實(8)
can be confirmed with a magnetic-resonance scan of the brain    可用腦部核磁共振掃描加以證實(8)
hippocampus    海馬丘(8)
proved to have Alzheimer's disease at autopsy    驗屍時證實罹患了阿茲海默症(23)
proposed a compulsory insurance scheme for all    草擬全民強制性醫療保險(1)
medical savings scheme    醫療儲蓄計劃(1)
reduce abuse by those suffering minor ailments    減少傷病不嚴重的病人濫用急症室的情況(3)
seeking treatment at accident and emergency wards at public hospitals    到公立醫院急症室求診(3)
lying dead in a pool of blood    倒臥於血泊中(23)
stem cells    幹細胞    (12)
in-vitro embryos    試管胚胎(11)
aborted fetuses    墮胎兒(11)
right-to-lifers    反墮胎人士(11)
worry about having his immune system reject them    擔心免疫系統會和(移植回來的器官)排斥(12)
stress-induced illnesses    壓力引致的疾病(6)
needy patients    有需要的病人(12)
plastic surgeons    整容醫師(2)
cosmetic surgeries    整容手術(10)
offering breast enlargements    (診所)替人做隆胸手術(10)
freckle-removal    消除雀班(10)
teeth-whitening    牙齒潔白(10)
maidenhead recovery    修補處女膜(10)
eye-widening    割雙眼皮手術(10)
beauty parlor    美容院(10)
suffering from renal failure    腎衰竭(6)
ordered a replacement kidney for $25,000     花了二萬五千美元訂購移植用的腎臟(12)
dialysis machine    洗腎機(6)
amputee    截肢的人(10)
artificial limb    義肢(10)     
remove facial and body hair    除去面毛和體毛(10)
beautician    美容師(10)
beauty treatment    美容手術(10)


during a regular ward round    在例行巡房時(5)
Dr Szeto refused to disclose the cause of death.    司徒醫生拒絕透露病人死因。(23)
bottle-fed    餵食奶粉(11)
breast-fed    餵食母乳(11)
rapid-spreading    蔓延得很快的(6)
Fifty-five per cent gave birth, 29 per cent had abortions and the rest miscarried.    百分之五十五生下孩子,百分之二十九墮胎,其餘小產。(11)


were still in intensive care units    仍然在深切治療部留醫(5)
was fighting for his life    目前情況危殆(5) 


had been bedridden in hospital for three years    已經住院三年(6)
withhold life-prolonging medication    不再服食維持生命的藥物(23)
set off another round of debate on euthanasia    引發另一輪關於安樂死的爭論(23)
mercy killing    (醫生為病人做)安樂死(23)
turning off life-support machines    關掉維持生命儀器(23)
prescribing life-ending drugs    處方結束生命藥物(23)


The man has been rushed to the Queen Mary Hospital and is presently in critical condition.    該名男子被送往伊莉沙伯醫院搶救,目前情況危殆。
received the implant    接受植入手術
hearing aids    助聽器


now lying critically injured in hospital with burns over 40 per cent of her body    身上四成皮膚燒傷,現正躺在醫院,情況危殆
rushed the girl to the Prince of Wales Hospital by taxi    趕緊乘的士送女童入威爾斯親王醫院
died of asphyxia    窒息致死
His condition deteriorated from serious to critical.    他的情況由嚴重轉為危殆。
About 180 residents had to be evacuated.    約有一百八十名住戶要疏散。
suffered burns to 70 per cent of his body    七成皮膚燒傷
a paramedic ambulance    有醫務輔助人員的救護車
were manned by paramedics    (救護車)有醫務輔助人員
The youth has returned to a normal life after nearly a year of treatment in Hong Kong.    該名青年在港治理近一年後,已重過正常生活。
I punched him in the arm a few times but he didn't move.    我撞了他手臂幾下,但他一動也不動。
deeply regretted the man's death     對該名男子死亡深表哀悼
A doctor was last night banned from practising for a year after being found guilty of misconduct for giving a female patient drugs which caused her face to swell up and made her sprout unsightly facial hair.    一名醫生昨夜因失職被停牌一年。事緣他為一名女病人處方藥物導致她臉部腫脹及長出難看臉毛。
prescribing the steroid dexamethasone to a woman    向一名女病人處方類固醇「地塞米松」
keeping improper medical notes    偽造病人病情紀錄
failing to tell the patient about possible side-effects    沒有告訴病人該藥物的副作用
mildly mentally handicapped    輕度弱智
