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handling the bird flu outbreaks 處理禽流感事件


may be vaccinated against bird flu    或會注射禽流感疫苗(19)
kill all the birds at the two sites as a precaution    殺死兩個雞場內所有雞隻,以防(禽流感蔓延)(19)
try the vaccine on 400,000 chickens    在四十萬隻雞身上試用該疫苗(19)
inoculated chickens    注射了疫苗的雞隻(19)
continue to press for improvements to hygiene in farms     致力敦促業界改善雞場衛生情況(19)
quarantining infected farms    隔離有疫症發生的雞場(19)


health-conscious    注重健康(19)
The recent bird flu outbreak had not deterred consumers from buying live chickens.     雖然最近禽流感爆發,但市民購買活雞的意欲未有減退。(19)
a banned sweetener    一種禁用的代糖(19)
which is thought to cause cancer    懷疑會致癌(19)
caught the attention of the health-conscious    引起注重健重健康的人士的注意(19)


called for more stringent official surveillance of chicken farms    要求加強監管雞場(19)
Dr Liu said that the affected farm did not keep ducks and geese, which if placed with chickens could cause cross-infection and produce the potentially deadly bird flu H5N1.    廖醫生表示受病菌感染的雞場並無飼養鴨鵝。不然可能引致交差感染,釀成可能致命的禽流感病菌H5N1。(19)
centralised slaughtering of chickens    中央屠宰雞隻(19)


slim your waistline    縮小腰圍(19)


slimming drugs    減肥藥(19)
weight loss pills   


gene-altered algae    基因改造海藻(19)
genetically engineered "super rice"    經基因改造的超級稻米(19) 
sewage treatment plants    污水處理廠(19)
flab    (人)肥肉(19)
liposuction    抽脂手術(19)
liposuctioned human fat    抽脂手術中抽出的人體脂肪(19)
love handles    士啤軑(19)
carry a modest spare tire around your waist    有個小肚腩(19)
poor eating habits    不良飲食習慣(19)
contained dangerously high levels of mercury    含過量水銀,對健康有害(19)
non-smoking area    非吸煙區(19)


freshly-slaughtered poultry    鮮雞(19)
live chickens    生雞(19)
Around 100,000 live chickens are consumed each day.    港人每日食約十萬隻生雞。(19)
chilled chickens    雪雞(19)
The question of what triggered the recent outbreak remained unanswered although fingers have pointed to Chinese farms, dirty transport cages as well as dubious hygiene standards at some markets.    是次禽流感成因不詳。源頭可能來自內地農場、不潔運輸用雞籠和街市欠佳衛生情況。(19)


slimming treatment    瘦身治療(19)
improve her waistline    減腰圍(19)
A total of 1.2 million poultry will be slaughtered to prevent the further spread of the H5N1 bird flu virus.    為防H5N1病毒散播,政府將屠宰一百二十萬隻雞隻。(19)
Mrs Yam also banned all poultry exports from the mainland.    任關佩英禁止大陸輸入任何雞隻。(19)
Hong Kong consumes around 100,000 fresh chickens a day and imports around 70 per cent of its poultry from the mainland.    香港人每日食用十萬隻鮮雞,其中七成由內地進口。(19)
stressed the virus would not affect humans    強調病菌對人體無害(19)
poses no health risk    (指禽流感病菌)對身體無害(19)


sugar can cause tooth decay    糖能蛀牙
cut down on our soft drinks intake    減少喝汽水
Overweight people would be at risk from diseases such as diabetes, heart problems and high blood pressure.    過重容易引致糖尿病、心臟病和高血壓等疾病。
The rate of obesity was 13.2 per cent in primary schools and 11 per cent in secondary school.    百分之十三點二的小學生和百分之十一的中學生過肥。
labelling system    標籤制度
The Environment and Food Bureau said there was no scientific evidence to suggest GM content would render a food product unsafe for human consumption, but said it supported the consumers' right to know.    食環署表示沒有證據顯示食用基因改造食品對人體有害,但他們贊成要保障消費者知情權。
Franken Food    科學怪食物
Frankenveggies    科學怪菜
