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took bets from punters mainly by telephone 從電話接受賭徒下注
soccer betting syndicate 賭波集團
Two men were arrested and $450,000 in betting slips sized. 兩名男子被捕,四十五萬元賭金充公。
Police Commissioner Tsang Yam-pui said he hoped illegal football gambling would cool down as a result of the raids. 警務處處長曾蔭培表示希望連串取締行動可打擊非法賭波。
underground bookmakers 地下莊家
ex-racehorses/retired horses 退役馬匹


former champion jockey Robbie Fradd    前冠軍騎師霍達(154)
had five mounts    (當日)上陣五次(154)
was victorious in the final race on Winning Dragon    在最後一場策騎Winning Dragon贏得冠軍(154)


football gambling    賭波(154)
tackle rampant illegal betting    對付猖獗的非法賭博問題(154)
illegal soccer gambling    非法賭波(154)
Illegal soccer gambling was now raking in at least $20 billion a year and threatened to spiral out of control.    非法賭波彩池每年高達二百億元,並且不斷增加,已呈失控。(154)
Alliance Against the Legalisation of Soccer Gambling    反賭波合法化大聯盟(154)
Legal football betting could trigger a "crisis of morals".    賭波合法化可能會觸發「道德危機」。(154)
There is also a strong indication the Government favours granting the soccer gambling licence to the Hong Kong Jockey Club.    政府又強烈暗示屬意由香港賽馬會承辦賭波。(154)
The paper represents the strongest hint yet that the SAR administration sees legalisation as the only option.    政府在諮詢文件中作出比以前更強烈的暗示,暗示香港除了實行賭波合法化外別無他途。(154)
underage gambling    未成年賭博(154)
addicted gamblers    沉迷賭博的賭徒(154)
boost betting duty revenue    增加博彩稅收入(154)
ignoring the social costs    忽略社會成本(154)
lifting the ban on soccer betting    賭波合法化(154)
The illegal market is estimated to be worth $20 billion and the Government would raise $3.8 billion at a levy rate of 19 per cent.    非法賭波彩池高達二百億元,若政府抽稅百分之十九,每年收益將達三十八億元。(154)
The chances of legislation being approved were slim.    賭波合法化獲通過的機會甚微。(154)
Alliance convenor Wong Hak-lim    大聯盟發言人黃克廉(154) 
purist    衛道人士(154)
pathological gamblers    病態賭徒(154)
People who opposed the legislation of soccer gambling should submit ideas to the Government on how to stop illegal betting.    反對賭波合法化人士應向政府建議取締非法賭波的辦法。(154)
The Government remained neutral about whether to legalise soccer betting.    政府對是否通過賭波合法化,立場中立。(154)
On Friday, the Government unveiled a consultation paper seeking public opinion on whether to legalise soccer betting.    政府在周五發出諮詢文件,尋求公眾意見,以決定是否實行賭波合法化。(154)
could reap the Government an estimated $3.8 billion in annual levies    每年可為政府帶來約三十八億元博彩稅收入(154)
mobilise 300,000 churchgoers to petition the Government against legalised soccer gambling    動員三千名教徒向政府請願,反對賭波合法化(154)
