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EuroChristmas    歐陸聖誕
lost the rights to screen the English FA Cup competition    失去英格蘭足總盃的播映權
We are aware the FA cup has a large following in Hong Kong.    我們知道香港有很多觀眾想看足總盃。
Stewards' Cup    董事盃
the first leg of the Triple Crown    三冠長途馬王頭關
Hong Kong Mile    香港一哩錦標
Hong Kong Gold Cup    香港金盃
the second round of the Triple Crown    三冠長途馬王次關
Fradd settled Fairy King Prawn towards the rear of the filed in the early stages.    早段霍達策騎靚蝦王跑在較後位置。
pre-race comments    賽前預測
wouldn't find the leeway too much to make up    不會覺得太難追(前列馬匹)
pressed the accelerator    加速策騎
beat the Tony Cruz-trained Magnifier by a comfortable 1 1/2 lengths, with Electronic Unicorn another half length back in third    輕鬆地以一點五個身位擊敗隸屬告東尼馬房的億銘之駒,電子麒麟則落後億銘之駒半個身位排第三
held Fairy King Crawn by a short-head    僅勝靚蝦王一個短頭
A trip to Dubai at the end of March has long been in Allen's planning for Fairy King Prawn.    愛倫早就計劃讓靚蝦王在三月尾遠征杜拜。
will be racing on home soil again    會再度在本土出賽
will be stepping up to 2,000 meters for the first time    將會首度跑二千米
Chater Cup    遮打盃
would land a $5 million bonus    贏得五百萬元獎金
treble hero    一日裡贏得三場頭馬的騎師
Electronic Unicorn bounced back from his disappointing fifth in the Hong Kong Mile to finish a lot closer to Fairy King Prawn this time in third, but jockey Steven King was under no illusions about the gulf in class between the pair.    電子麒麟在一哩錦標表現令人失望,只跑第五。今場牠回復水準,大大拉近了和靚蝦王的距離跑第三。但騎師金仕芬承認兩駒間的實力有所距離。
Internet betting    網上投注
illegal bookmaking    非法投注/外圍馬
betting duty    博彩稅
offered an 18 per cent bonus to punters on bets placed at today's meeting    (網上博彩公司)將今日賽事所有派彩加百分之十八賠給馬迷
illegal bookmakers    外圍馬莊家
the advert denigrated women    該廣告侮辱女性
exiled Chinese author Gao Xingjiang    流亡海外中國作家高行健
steer well clear of political issues    避談政治問題
did not reply to politically sensitive questions    拒絕回答政治敏感問題
speak at Chinese University    在中文大學演講
a spring reception    春茗
has lived in exile in France since 1988    自八八年起流亡海外,在法國定居 


exile writer    流亡海外作家(81)
Daliapour    奇異光芒(85)
Hong Kong Vase    香港瓶(85)
the greatest festival of horse-racing held in the territory    本地舉行的最重要賽事(85)
International series    世界巡迴賽(85)
can bid successfully for the world's top horses    能夠成功競投世界頂尖馬匹(85)
Fairy King Prawn    靚蝦王(85)
had 10 lengths to make up in the straight    入直路時與頭馬相距十個身位(85)
closed the gap relentlessly under South African jockey Robbie Fradd    在南非騎師霍達策騎下奮力收窄差距(85)




Latin singing sensation Ricky Martin    紅透半邊天的拉丁歌手瑞奇馬丁(83)
the third stop on his Asian tour    亞洲之旅第三站(83)
a preview of his music video    他音樂錄影帶的預展(83)
dreamboat    美男子(83)
released two solo albums    發行兩張個人專輯(83)
Grammy    金唱片(83)
pseudonym    筆名(81)




an area targeted for redevelopment as a tourist site    計劃改建為旅遊區(81)
has been at the controversy in recent months over plans to develop it into a tourist centre    重建大澳成為旅遊區計劃近月引起爭論(81)
offer viewers a wider choice    給觀眾多些選擇(83)
five licences to operate pay-television channels    五個收費電視牌照(83)
Galaxy Satellite Broadcasting    銀河衛星廣播(83)
Hong Kong Network Television    香港網絡電視(83)
Pacific Digital Media    太平洋數碼衛視(83)
free-to-air operator    無線電視經營者(83)
Chairman of the Broadcasting Authority Norman Leung Nai-pang    廣播事務管理局主席梁乃鵬(83)
Harry Potter    哈里波特(81)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire    哈里波特與烈火酒杯(81)
J. K. Rowling    (哈里波特)作者羅林(81)
is believed to be the biggest initial print run in publishing history    破了出版界的初版數量紀錄(81)
Amazon.com took 400,000 advance orders worldwide.     網上書店亞馬遜收到四十萬分預訂定單(81)
The Hong Kong Travel Industry Council's executive director, Joseph Tung Yao-chung    香港旅遊業議會總幹事董耀中(81)
War of the Genders    男親女愛(83)
Dodo Cheng Yu-ling    鄭裕玲(83)
Dayo Wong Chi-wah    黃子華(83)




American Beauty took home five Oscars on Sunday, including best actor for Kevin Spacey.    《美麗有罪》囊括五項奧斯卡大獎。該片男主角奇雲史帕西榮膺金像影帝。(83)
Big-screen newcomer Hilary Swank became the year's leading actress for her towering performance as a gender-confused youth in Boys Don't Cry.    新晉影星希拉莉史雲克,在《沒哭聲的抉擇》一片裡飾演一個性別模糊的少年人,演技光芒四射,榮膺金像影后。(83) 


Shaolin Temple    少林寺(81)
bringing martial culture to Hong Kong to boost tourism    藉中國傳統武術吸引遊客來港(81)
The Year of the Dragon was welcomed by an estimated 350,000 revellers last night at a $3 million fireworks display over Victoria Harbour.    龍年煙花昨夜在維港上空綻放,三十五萬名市民圍觀。是次煙花耗費三百萬元。(81)
Charles Schulz    《花生漫畫》作者舒爾茨(81) 


appear on the programme    在該節目中亮相(83)