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the situation is still very tense 情況依然非常嚴峻
when the flood crest comes 洪峰來臨時


All 225 people aboard the aircraft are believed dead. 相信機上225名乘客已全數罹難。
the doomed flight 失事的班機/失事客機


Floods in central and western China have claimed more than 200 lives with at least a further 100 people missing. 中國中部和西部的水災造成逾二百人死亡,超過一百人失蹤。
directed rescue operations 指揮救援工作
pledged eight million yuan (HK$7.5 million) in rescue funds for Shaanxi province 向陜西省提供八百萬元人民幣(約七百五十萬港元)的救災資金
supervise the rescue work 監督救援工作
assist rescue work 支援救援工作
more than 1,600 hectares of crops were damaged 超過一千六百公頃農田受損
were submerged under 1.5 metres of water (地方)(暴雨後)水深達一點五米


the search team 搜索隊伍
the scene of the crash 空難現場
Some 225 people were killed in the crash and the authorities have only recovered 85 bodies.空難中約有二百二十五人罹難,有關當局目前只找到八十五具屍體。

the crash site 空難現場
the search for victims 搜索生還者行動
crashed into the sea 飛機墮海
On May 7, a China Northern MD-82 jet crashed into the sea off Dalian in northeast China, killing all 112 on board. 五月七日,中國北方航空公司一架MD-82型客機在中國東北大連市外墮海,機上一百一十二人全部喪生。
An Air China Boeing 767 travelling from Beijing to Pusan in South Korea crashed into a mountain, killing 128 of the 166 on board. 中華航空公司一架由北京開往南韓釜山市的波音767客機撞山,機上一百六十六人中有一百二十八人罹難。


avert a disaster    避過一場災難(28)


Some 370 others perished in the disaster.    另有大約三百七十人在災禍中喪生。(27)
Earlier news reports had placed the death toll at more than 200.    較早的新聞報導估計死亡人數超過二百。(27)


people stranded by floods    受洪水圍困的人(27)
The Hong Kong Observatory recorded rainfall of more than 200mm in the worst-hit rural areas.    天文台在雨勢最大的鄉郊地區錄得超過二百毫米雨量紀錄。(27)
Schoolchildren were yesterday sent home early when afternoon lessons were cancelled due to heavy rain.    昨午暴雨,下午校停課,學童提早放學。(27)
Despite the rainstorm, all Examination Authority exams scheduled for the afternoon were held as normal.    暴雨下考試局各科考試下午仍如期開考。(27)
flooding black spots    水浸黑點(27)
hoisted the red rainstorm warning    掛起紅色暴雨警告(27)
