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dug for survivors    搜掘生還者
killing at least 236 people and leaving 1,200 missing    造成最少236人死亡,1,200人失蹤
the worst-hit country    受災最嚴重的國家
mudslide    山泥傾瀉
were confirmed death    證實死亡
declared a nationwide state of emergency    宣布全國進入緊急狀態
measured 7.6 on the Richter scale    尼克特制7.6級
called for international aid    向外國求助
the 450-metre landslide that buried an estimated 300 homes    四百五十米高山發生山泥傾瀉,淹沒約三百所房子
the mass of dirt and concrete    (地震後的)廢墟
worked beside huge cranes shovel dirt from around the collapsed homes in a sea of mud    用大型起重機鏟走被山泥淹沒而倒塌的房屋周圍的泥
As there was still hope of finding survivors, heavy earth-moving machinery could only be used with caution.    由於仍有希望找到生還者,大型鏟土機必須小心使用。 
are flimsily built    (房屋)脆弱
The quake knocked out El Salvador's telephone service and electricity for several hours.    大地震令薩爾瓦多全國電力和電訊服務中斷數小時。
Television footage showed relief workers struggling to clear rubble from demolished buildings in Ahmedabad, as well as mutilated corpses of children.    從電視影片可見,Ahmedabad的救援人員正奮力清理頹垣敗瓦,現場亦有小童支離破碎的屍體。
death figure    死亡人數
It hit just before 9am.    地震在將近上午九時時發生。
The earthquake was centred 20km north of the town of Bhuj in a desert plateau on the border between Pakistan and India.    地震震央位於普杰市以北二十公里,印度和巴基斯坦接壤的沙漠高原。
was constructed to withstand earthquakes    防地震的(建築物)
70 children and some teachers were feared dead in the debris of their school building.    一所學校倒塌,七十名學童和數名教師被活埋。
The quake caused high-rise buildings to sway from New Delhi in the north, to Bombay, Madras and Calcutta in the south.    從北部的新德里到南部的孟買、馬達拉斯和加爾各答都有高樓大廈因地震而搖動。


had been buried in debris    被埋在瓦礫下(14)
They maintained the death toll from the accident stood at eight, with 32 injured.    他們堅稱只有八人死亡,三十二人受傷。(14)
Rescue efforts were abandoned as early as Saturday after the authorities said they were convinced there was no hope of finding more survivors.    救援工作早在星期六結束。有關當局聲稱他們已確定無望找到更多生還者。(14)
dug through the night    通宵發掘(14)
remove the debris    清理瓦礫(14)
were denied access to bodies    被拒見死難者遺體(14)
preventing them from paying respects to loved ones    不准他們為摯愛親人致祭(14)
was among the dead    是死者之一、在死者名單上(14)
were still recognisable    (屍體)仍然可以辨認(14)


crashed on take-off from Taipei    於台北起飛後不久失事(15)
broke into three    斷開三截(15)
Passengers said the accident happened immediately after take-off.    乘客表示客機一起飛就失事。(15)
emergency crews in yellow rain gear    穿著黃色雨衣的救援人員(14)
combing the scene    在現場搜索(14)
taking the injured to hospital    送傷者去醫院(14)
The death toll could rise since many of the injured suffered serious burns.    由於大部分傷者嚴重燒傷,死亡人數有可能上升。(14)
may have taxied down the wrong runway    入錯跑道(14)
It is the first accident involving fatalities in the history of Singapore Airlines.    這是星航首宗有人罹難的意外。(14)
offer their condolences    表示哀悼(14)




was taken hostage just after 10pm and held aboard an empty Cathay Pacific Boeing 747 for 2.5 hours    在下午十時被挾持,登上一架無人的波音七四七客機,歷時兩小時半(15)
walked past security officials unchecked    沒經檢查就穿越保安人員(15)
would tarnish the reputation of the airport    影響機場聲譽(15)
Russia said yesterday there was no sign of life from 118 sailors trapped at the bottom of the sea in a nuclear submarine.    俄羅斯昨日表示,載有一一八名水兵的核潛艇已無生命跡像。(14)
Kursk submarine    「庫爾斯克」號潛水艇(14)
tapping SOS signals on the vessel's hull    敲打船身發出求救的電碼信號(14)
oxygen on board should last until tomorrow    船上的氧氣只能維持到明天(14)
declined help    拒絕接受援助(14)
escape hatch    逃生艙艙口(14)
airlock    密封艙(14)
The task of recovering all the bodies would take at least a month.    打撈所有屍體需要至少一個月時間。(14)


were eventually swept away by the torrent    最終被急流沖走(14) 




Of 150 villagers rescued, seven needed hospital treatment.    獲救的一百五十名村民當中,七人需要送院治理。(14)
The rain brought havoc to roads in the New Territories.    暴雨癱瘓新界多條道路。(14)
chest-deep water    水深及胸(14)




crashed into the Atlantic Ocean    在大西洋墜海(14)
scoured the sea for survivors    在水中搜索生還者(14)

