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gas explosion 煤氣爆炸
were feared dead 恐怕凶多吉少
trapped the miners underground 被困礦井下
shaft 礦井
sealed off the hotel 封鎖全座酒店


lit a charcoal burner 燒炭
holiday bungalows 度假屋
Of all the ways to die, charcoal burning seems to be gaining in popularity in Hong Kong. 芸芸自殺方式中,燒炭在香港越來越流行。
20 per cent of suicide victims died in 2001 from charcoal burning in Hong Kong. 二零零一年,本港百分之二十的自殺人士死於燒炭。


Cheung Chau's Bella Vista Villas    長洲東堤小築(30)
take their own lives    自殺(30)


led a team of investigators to the scene    帶領一隊調查員到現場(27)
would fail fire safety requirements    未能符合防火措施要求(26)


had suicidal tendencies    有自殺傾向(30)
offer counselling to his fellow pupils    輔導他的同學(30)
seeing death as the ultimate relief to their misery     視死為一切煩惱的終極解脫(30)
with suicidal tendencies    有自殺傾向(30)


bush fires    山火(26)
Much of Australia's largest city was shrouded in a layer of ash.    悉尼大部份地區被濃煙包圍。(26)
dump water bombs    投下水彈(26)


life detectors    生命探測器(28)
identify the causes of the incident    調查意外成因(24)
There is the risk of further collapse in the site.   地盤現場仍有倒塌危機。(24)


a gas leak    漏煤氣(24)
died from carbon monoxide poisoning    一氧化碳中毒致死(24)
The impact sent the coach rolling down a slope near the Minjiang River.    相撞後,旅遊巴滾下岷江附近的山崖。(25)


died of asphyxiation    窒息致死(26)


ordering cadres to ensure better implementation of safety measures    要求幹部確保(礦場)嚴格執行安全措施(24)
seek refuge in the typhoon shelters    開進避風塘(避風)(24)
are built to withstand even a direct hit by a typhoon    能承受颱風正面侵襲的風力(24)
took their own lives    自殺(30)
landed on an air cushion    跌在消防氣墊上(30)
refused to climb back into the building    拒絕爬回樓宇內(30)
inflated an air cushion    為氣墊充氣(30)
expressed regret over her suicide bid    表示後悔嘗試自殺(30)


had suicidal tendencies    有自殺傾向(30)
suffered shocks during an electric storm    被雷電擊中(24)
suffered lightning shocks    被雷電擊中(24)
was struck by lightning    被雷電擊中(24)
low-lying areas    低窪地帶(24)
Rubber boats and a helicopter were used to evacuate people stranded by the deluge.    消防處出動多部橡皮艇和一部直升機救出被洪水圍困市民。(28)
floodwater reached waist height    水深及腰(24)
The amber rainstorm warning was issued at 8.45am and was upgraded to red at 2.35pm. The warnings were dropped at 10pm.    天文台在上午八時四十五分發出黃色暴雨警告,並於下午二時三十五分改掛紅色暴雨警告。天文台在下午十時除下所有暴雨警告訊號。(24)


a fiery group-suicide attempt    企圖集體自焚
doused themselves in petrol and set fire to themselves    自淋火水,引火自焚
join the self-immolations    一起自我犧牲/集體自殺
shot himself with his service revolver    (警員)吞槍自殺
One shot has been fired into his right temple and his service revolver was still in his hand.    他向自已的太陽穴開槍,手上仍然拿著自己的配槍。
in a suspicious fire/blazw    在一場可疑的火警中
the charred body    焦屍
Initial investigations did not rule out the possibility that the premises were set ablaze.    初步調查不排除有人在單位縱火。
The smell of thinner had been detected at the scene.     現場有天拿水氣味。
setting themselves alight    自焚
swallowing pills in an apparent suicide attempt    企圖服藥自殺
lying semi-conscious in bed in a hotel room    半昏迷躺在床上
plunged 19 floors to her death from a Tseung Kwan O building    在將軍澳一座大廈的十九樓跳下喪生
sitting on the railings on the 19th floor    坐在十九樓的欄杆上
