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were helped to safety by firemen    由消防員救出
thoughts of suicide flashed through his mind    他曾有自殺念頭
identify sites at risk of landslide    找出有山泥傾瀉危險的地點
20000 cubic meters of mud crashed to the foot of a slope    多達二萬平分米的泥土由山上瀉到山腳
natural slopes slanting more than 20 degrees    斜度超過二十度的天然斜坡
retaining wall    擋土牆(防山泥傾瀉)
charcoal-burning suicides    燒炭自殺
survived after burning charcoal on board his luxury yacht    在豪華遊艇上燒炭自殺獲救
Hong Kong now had the world's highest charcoal-burning rate for those trying to commit suicide.    香港是全球以燒炭方式自殺比率最高的地方。
faced heavy debts    負債累累
charcoal-burning victims    燒炭自殺的人
In 1999, the leading method of suicide was falling from buildings (44 per cent), followed by hanging (26 per cent) and then charcoal burning.    一九九九年,跳樓(百分之四十四)是最熱門的自殺方式,其次是吊頸(百分之二十六)和燒炭。
committing suicide in pairs    雙雙自殺
taking poison    服毒
inhaling carbon monoxide    吸入一氧化碳
suicide method    自殺方法
Debts of $100,000 had driven them to the murder-suicide.    因欠債十萬元,走上自殺和謀殺不歸路。
had debts    債務纏身
in a failed suicide attempt    在一次自殺不遂的事件中  


a fire swept through a building    大火席捲大廈(13)
had been declared a safety hazard    被列為危險樓宇(13)
emergency exits    緊急逃生出口(13)
The fire spread quickly via stairways to engulf the entire building.    大火經樓梯迅速蔓延至整座大廈。(13)
When fire broke out, the whole dance hall was suddenly thrown into chaos.    大火一發生,整個舞廳頓時一片混亂。(13)
with bloodied hands and a face blackened by smoke    手沾滿血,臉給煙燻黑(13)
escaped by climbing through a window and jumping from a balcony    爬窗出去再從陽台跳下逃生(13)
flames shooting out of smashed windows    火舌從破爛的窗口冒出(13)
worked in oxygen masks    帶氧氣面罩(13)
reach victims    到(在火場中)受困的人所在的地方(13)
smoke poured from the building's top and back    黑煙從樓宇的頂部和背面冒出(13)
water tanker    水車(13)
hanging out of a window waiting to be rescued    把身子伸出窗外待救(13)
more than 800 firefighters and police and 26 fire engines were mobilised    出動超過八百名消防員和警察和二十六部消防車(13)
plucked some people    救走一些人(13)
died from smoke inhalation    焗死(13)
set up emergency air cushions outside the building    在樓宇外放置緊急逃生墊(13)
jump to safety    跳下成功逃生(13)
sprinkler system    灑水系統(13)
improve safety    改善防火設施(13)




More than 1,000 public security officers were mobilised for the Dongguan search.    當局出動逾一千名公安在東莞找尋翰仔。(12)


wearing black armbands    臂上繫上黑紗布(13)
compassionate payment from the Government    政府恩恤金(13)
protect fellow officers from the flames    在大火中保護同僚(13)
suffering burns to 60 per cent of his body    六成皮膚燒傷(13)
killed while on duty    殉職(13)
perched precariously on collapsed sections of the bridge    (車子)散布在斷橋部分,險象環生(12)
Police and helicopter rescue crews were at the scene within minutes.    警方和直升機救援隊伍於數分鐘內趕抵現場。(12) 
had been left home alone at the time of the accident    (小孩)意外發生時獨留家中(12)
The windows did not have protective bars.    窗子沒有裝上窗花(12)
was left unattended    (小孩)無人看管(12)   


The fire broke out at 12.36am and spread rapidly, punctuated by explosions of LPG cylinders    火警於淩晨零時三十六分發生,期間數度傳出石油氣罐的爆炸聲。(13)
The blaze was upgraded to a fourth alarm at 2.22am.    火警在零晨二時二十二分升為四級。(13)
A total of 144 firemen using 17 jets put out the fire at 5.55am.    消防處出動144名消防員及17條消防喉,於零晨五時五十五分將火救熄。(13)
arrived at the scene six minutes after receiving calls    收到火警電話後,在六分鐘內到達現場(13)
using helicopters to drop water bombs    用直升機掟水彈(13)
somersaulted down a 10-metre ravine     翻落十米多的山谷(12)
veered down the hillside to the left    轉變方向,衝落左面的山坡(12)
People tried crawling out of the bus.    乘客嘗試爬出車外。(12)
I had cuts all over my body from the glass.    我全身都被玻璃刮傷。(12)

