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radiation emitted from computer screens    電腦螢光幕的幅射
turning to cheaper landline service providers     轉用收費較平的電話公司
receive more than 3000 inquiries    收到多過三千個查詢
About 2.1 million households subscribe to PCCW-HKT.    電訊盈科約有二百一十萬名家庭用戶。
PCCW-HKT offers a basic fixed-line package at $110, with an additional charge for features such as call waiting and call forwarding.
value-added services    增值服務


misusing computer users' accounts    盜用他人電腦戶口(70)
emit high levels of radiation    幅射過高(71)
fixed-line phone services    固網電話服務(71)
switching providers    轉用其他電話公司的服務(71)
residential phone fee    住宅電話費(71)
business phone fee    商業電話費(71)
increase fixed line fees in phases    分階段加電話費(71)
fixed line provider    固網電話公司(71)
home phone fee    住宅電話費(71)


high-speed optical-fibre cable    高速光纖電纜(71)
could not get on to the Net    不能上網(71)
would experience slow service    上網速度會減慢(71)
Mobile phone ownership has surged by 50 per cent in Hong Kong during the past two years.    過去兩年,本港手提電話用戶人數上升百分之五十。(71)
replaced their handsets    換手提電話(71)




Lee Wen-ho    李文和(70)




create a taskforce to help boost Internet access and lower its cost in developing countries    成立特別工作小組,協助發展中國家發展互聯網,減低其成本(70)
avoid undue regulatory intervention in information technology    防止(發展中國家)定立不公平的規例,干預資訊科技(70)
protect intellectual property rights in cyberspace    保護網上知識產權(70)




hoax e-mail    惡作劇電郵(70)
The virus message follows one circulating last month that tricked recipients into believing they would get a free top-of-the-range Ericsson mobile phone if they forwarded a message to 20 friends.    除了今次的病毒警告電郵外,在上個月也有類似的惡作劇電郵流傳。上個月的電郵欺騙收件者,對他們說只要把一個電郵寄給二十個朋友,就可以得到一部免費的頂級愛立信手提電話。(70)
prank    無惡意的惡作劇(70)
spam    垃圾郵件(70)


downloading fake software    下載未經授權軟件(70)
copyright-infringing software    未經授權軟件(70)
radiation emitted from the phones while connecting    等候接聽時手機發出的輻射(71)
reduce emissions by about 40 per cent    減少百分之四十的輻射(71)
proposed breaking software powerhouse Microsoft Corporation into two companies to curb its monopoly    擬把軟件業龍頭微軟公司分拆成兩間公司,以抑制壟斷局面(70)
A major Hong Kong Web sit has stopped blocking its chatroom users from discussing Taiwan independence after criticism and protests from public.    受到公眾的抨擊和抗議,香港網不再限制網友在聊天室發表台獨言論。(70)
barring users from discussing sensitive political issues    禁止網友發表政治敏感言論(70)      


fixed-line phone customers    固定電話線客戶(71)
mobile customers    流動電話客戶(71)
Internet subscribers    互聯網客戶(70)
space probe    航空探測器(73)
farthest reached of the solar system    太陽系邊緣(73)
celestial sphere    天體(73)


domain name    域名(70)
dominant telecoms operator    最大電訊公司(71)
SingTel president Lee Hsien Yang    星加坡電信總裁李顯揚(71)


chief software architect    首席軟件設計師(70)
stepped down as chief executive of Microsoft    辭去微軟行政總裁一職(70)
software maker    軟件製造商(70)
have dropped plans to increase monthly fees    擱置加價計劃(71)
lie about their identity in Internet chat rooms    在互聯網上以虛假身分(結識朋友)(70)
had never accessed obscene or indecent Web sites    從不瀏覽不雅網頁(70)