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open fire on civilians    向平民開火
started a hunger strike    開始絕食行動
hunger striker    絕食人士
contacting the Australian Consulate for help    向澳洲大使館求助


prohibit demonstrations on grounds of national security    以國家安全理由禁止示威(68)
violates human rights    違反人權(68)
The maximum penalty for breaching the Public Order Ordinance is five years in jail.    違反公安條例的最高刑罰為入獄五年。(68)
the power of police to veto matches    警方禁止遊行的權利(68)
contravened the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights    違反國際人權公約(68)
burns effigies of Chen Shui-bian    焚燒陳水扁紙製人像(68)
demonstrated against the Government of Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian    遊行抗議陳水扁執政的台灣政府(68)
marchers    遊行人士(68)
demanded Mr Chen be ousted    要求陳水扁下台(68)
carried posters bearing slogans such as...    帶著海報,上有標語寫著......(68)
demonstrator    示威人士(68)


the articles of impeachment    彈劾議案(68)
had signed a petition endorsing impeachment    已聯署要求彈劾(總統)(68)
howl    怒吼(68)
to remove Estrada from office    迫令埃斯特拉達下台(68)


gathered in Chater Garden    在遮打花園聚集(68)
denounce the Public Order Ordinance    譴責公安條例(68)
undermines the right to assemble    剝奪集會自由(68)
The ordinance was introduced in colonial times, but was relaxed in 1996 so protest organisers needed only notify police in advance.    公安條例在殖民地時期成立,但在一九九六年作出修訂,修訂後請願人士只須在事前知會警方就可以了。(68)
again tightened the law    再次收緊條例/還原惡法(68)
The warnings were shouted down.    警方的勸喻被示威者的噓聲蓋過。(68)
had not applied for a licence but had given police 24 hours' notice    未有向警方申請,但已在二十四小時前知會警方(68)
an evil law    惡法(68)
had mustered up to 10000 members to support the students    已爭取到一萬名教協成員聲援被捕學生(68)
unauthorised protests    非法示威(68)
could be handled with discretion    可以斟情處理(68)
former student leaders    前學運領袖(68)
escaped prosecution over a tuition fee rally    未有因為遊行抗議學費而被起訴(68)
no charges would be laid against them over an unauthorised protest on April 20 against tuition fees    不會就四月二十日非法遊行抗議學費
would continue their fight for the amendment of the ordinance    繼續爭取修訂公安條例(68)
released a petition in support of the arrested students    發請願信支持被捕學生(68)


put three senior members of the National League of Democracy under house arrest    軟禁三名全國民主聯盟高層(68)
raided the party's headquarter    搜查全國民主聯盟的總部(68)
camped out in a car    在車中度宿(68)
dismissed foreign pressure on the Government    漠視國際間的壓力(68)
stage a hunger strike in protest at...    絕食抗議(68)
chanted anti-Tung slogans    大叫倒董口號(68)
accused the government of trying to silence opposition    指責政府企圖壓制反對聲音(68)
suppress student activities    鎮壓學生運動(68)
The organisers of the event had not given prior notification to the police in accordance with the law.    示威人士未有按照法律事先知會警方。(68)
Hong Kong students' union president Gloria Chang Wan-ki    港大學生會會長張韻琪(68)
Chinese University students' union president Fung Kai-yuen    中大學生會會長馮繼遠(68)
The police action will scare off members of the public and other students from joining any demonstrations.    警方行動會阻嚇公眾人士和其他學生,令他們不敢再參與示威行動。(68)
denied there was any political motive behind the arrests    否認拘捕行動涉及政治目的(68)
were arrested for joining an unauthorised march    因參與未經許可的遊行而被捕(68)
was accused of assisting in organising an unauthorised assembly and obstructing police    被控協助組織非法集會和阻差辦公(68)
The students face up to five years in jail for being involved in unauthorised gatherings and two-year terms for obstructing police.    被捕學生倘若證實有參與非法集會,可能會被監禁五年之多。而阻差辦公的學生可能會被監禁兩年。(68)
cause a furore    引起公眾騷動(68)




staged a rally accusing firemen of inefficiency    發起集會,抗議消防員效率不周(68)
protest against civil service reform    抗議公務員體制改革(68)
police put the crowd at a few thousand    警方估計遊行人數有數千(68)
The protesters delivered a petition addressed to Chief Secretary for Administration Chan Fang On-sang bearing 40,000 signatures.    遊行人士遞交一封署名政務司司長陳方安生的請願信,內附四萬個簽名。(68)
chanted slogans calling for an end to privatisation of government services and shouting their opposition to businessmen ruling Hong Kong    高叫口號,要求停止把政府服務私有化,和反對商人治港(68)


staged an hour-long silent protest    進行一小時靜坐抗議(68)
And in an unprecedented move, the Liberal Party led more than 2,000 people in Central to highlight negative equity suffered by flat owners and businessmen.    而自由黨亦首次上街抗議,率領超過二千人在中環集會,表達業主和商人所受到的不公平待遇。 (68) 
protestors were cleared from the Central Government Offices    驅散在政府總部門外的示威者(68)
protesting on the right-of-abode issue    抗議政府在居港權問題上的做法(68)
abode-seekers    聲稱有居港權的內地人(68)
Hong Kong Federation of Students' members    學聯成員(68)
disperse    驅散(示威者)(68)
did not rule out prosecutions    不排除會(向示威者)作出起訴(68)


pacify    安撫(68)


break through a police cordon    衝破警方人牆(68)
Protesters were kept at bay with pepper stray.    警方發射胡椒噴霧,驅散示威者。(68)





