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have full universal suffrage by 2008    在2008年進行全民普選
supported all 60 seats in Legco being returned by universal suffrage in 2008    支持立會全部六十席議席都由直選產生
pledged their support    承諾會支持
2008 was the latest date for the introduction of full universal suffrage.    全民普選最快可在2008年實施。
support Tung Chee-hwa serving a second term as Chief Executive    支持特首連任
refused to pledge support immediately    拒絕立即表態支持
the Chief Executive could be returned by universal suffrage    特首可以由全民普選產生
Legislators blocked rises in judiciary fees yesterday, cutting by more than 90 per cent expected government revenue of $6.5 million of increased charges.    立法會議員昨日封殺港府多項法庭服務收費。政府原本預期每年可以增加庫房收益六百五十萬元,但現時只可增加其中的一成。
pushed through only five batches of proposed revisions    只通過了五項加價計劃
veto seven batches of subsidiary legislation    否決七條附屬法例
resolution    決議案
Although the Democratic Party did not back the seventh resolution, it succeeded with the support of the Liberal Party and the DAB.    雖然民主黨反對第七項議案,但在自由黨和民建聯攜手支持下,議案獲得通過。
had misjudged its lobbying strategy    游說策略不當
sat on the Legislative and Executive councils between 1985 and 1992    在1985至1992年間任立法局及行政局議員
pro-Beijing figures    親中人士
A motion calling on the Government to encourage the use of renewable energy was passed last night after a 50-minute debate.    昨日立法會經過五十分鐘辯論後,通過議案促請政府鼓勵大眾使用可再生能源。
motion debates    辯論
only four lawmakers spoke on the motion    只有四名議員就該動議發言


Six candidates fought yesterday's election, widely seen as a battle between Christopher Chung Shu-kun of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong and non-affiliated barrister Audrey Eu Yuet-mee, who has the backing of the democratic camp.    昨天補選共有六人角逐,一般視為民建聯的鍾樹根和得到民主派支持的無黨派人士余若薇之爭。(58)
the turnout was better than expected    投票率比預期高(58)
no-canvassing zones    禁止拉票區(58)
have fun with the citizens    與民同樂(58)
Superman gown    超人服飾(58)
Voters said the pair had brightened up a rather mundane campaign compared to the full Legco poll in September.    選民說謝偉俊和白韻琴為沉悶的選戰增添不少色彩。今次補選相對九月時的選舉較為沉悶。(58)
platform    政綱(58)    
boost the second and third-tier members    激勵第二和第三梯隊成員(58)
The pro-democracy camp claimed victory over the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong after barrister Audrey Eu Yuet-mee won the Hong Kong Island by-election by a wide margin.    民主陣營憑著余若薇在港島區大勝,擊敗民建聯。(58)
Ms Eu, 47, defeated DAB rival Christopher Chung Shu-kun by 108,401 votes to 78,282, representing 52 per cent and 37.6 per cent of the vote respectively.    四十七歲的余若薇,以108,401票對78,282票擊敗民建聯的鍾樹根,兩者的得票率分別是百分之五十二和百分之三十七點六。(58)
Ms Eu, in her first direct election campaign, said her victory was a recognition of the importance of democracy and the rule of law.    首次參加直選的余若薇表示,今次勝利顯示市民重視民主和法治。(58)
the great support of many democratic forces    民主人士鼎力支持(58)
The Basic Law says Legco members do not qualify for office if they have been jailed for one month or more.    根據基本法規定,立法會議員若因刑事罪行判處監禁一個月以上,就會被褫奪議員資格。(55)
mustered enough support from pro-government legislators    得到保皇派的支持(55)
opinion split on issues such as...    就......方面意見分歧(55)
cited ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius to support her arguments    引用孟子的話來支持自己的論點(55)
pro-Beijing groups    親中團體(58)
who often votes with the Government    經常保皇(55)
opposition party    反對黨(58)


vehemently opposed    強烈反對(58)
vehemently denied    強烈否認(58)
a Legco select committee    立法會專責委員會(55)
It is time that we put the matter to rest and let the universities get on with their academic work.    是時候把事件告一段落,讓大學繼續從事學術工作。(55)
Democratic Party leader Martin Lee Chu-ming's motion was defeated by a vote of five to 22 in the group of lawmakers returned via the functional polls and by 14 to 13 in the group returned via the Election Committee and geographical polls.    民主黨主席李柱銘提出的議案在分組投票時,遭功能組別以二十二票對五票否決,並同時遭地區直選及選舉委員會組別以十四對十三票否決。(55)
testify such meetings in the legislature    就該些會面向立法會議員匯報(55)
questioned the Democratic Party's motive in moving the motion    質疑民主黨提出動議的動機(55)
precinct    (美國)選區(58)
vote-counters    點票人員(58)


electoral votes    選舉人票(58)
electoral college votes    選舉人票(58)
asked for a recount of votes    要求重新點票(58)
overseas absentee ballots    海外郵遞選票(58)
led by fewer than 2,000 votes    只比對手多二千票(58)
exit polls    票站調查(58)
prepared to go public with a concession speech    準備露面,發表演說,承認失敗(58)
retracted his concession    撤回承認失敗(58)
Under Florida law, a victory margin of half of one per cent or less automatically triggers a recount.    根據佛羅里達州法例,如領先雙方得票率相差少於百分之零點五,將要自動重新點票。(58)
college delegates    選舉人(58)
saluted joyous supporters    向歡樂的支持者致謝(58)


caused a political storm    捲起一場政治動蕩(58)
raised questions over the Government's stability    導致政府不穩定(58)
bring a positive impact to the political crisis or ailing economic conditions    對政治危機和經濟衰退帶來幫助(58)
Andrey Eu Yuet-mee    余若薇(58)
relinquished his seat    放棄議席(58)
speaking through loud-hailers    用擴音器呼籲(58)
conducting door-to-door visits    洗樓(58)
secured the Democratic Party's backing    得到民主黨支持(58)
pro-democracy camp    民主陣營(58)
had been receiving a continuous stream of entreaties from friends for her to stand    不少朋友連日來鼓勵她出來參選(58)
Cheng Yiu-tong    鄭耀棠(58)
awaiting the authorisation of the Executive Council    有待行政會議通過(55)
a "small-circle" election    小圈子選舉(58)
try to defuse the crisis    試圖化解政治危機(58)


leave their ballot papers blank    投廢票(58)
use different perspectives to see the world and people    從不同角度去看人和事(58)
National League for Democracy    (緬典)全國民主聯盟(58)
has decided not to stand    決定不參選(58)
became involved in politics    開始從政(58)
He is now on a joint ticket with Emily Lau Wai-hing of The Frontier in the New Territories East constituency.    他現在和劉慧卿同一張名單,在新界東參選。(58)
Voters have become more sceptical about major political parties since the Gary Cheng Kai-nam scandal broke, according to a poll.    民意調查顯示,程介南醜聞曝光後,市民對各大政黨的信任度下降。(58)
found it hard to say which political party appealed to them most    表示很難說那個政黨最能代表他們(58)
a lie-detector test    測謊(58)
misused donations for Diaoyu Island protests    挪用保釣運動捐款(58)
a pro-democrat Diaoyu activist    民主派保釣人士(58)
demanded an immediate retraction of the allegations made by Lew Mon-hung    要求劉夢雄立即收回指控(58)
heads a three-member list in Hong Kong Island    在港島區名單居首(58)
the Alliance of Worldwide Chinese for the Protection of Diaoyu Islands    全球華人保釣大聯盟(58)
maintained he was telling the truth    堅持說自己講真話(58)
would not take part in unauthorised protests    不參與未經批准遊行(58)
polygraph    測謊機(58)
loud-hailer    擴音器(58)
mislead voters into dumping the ADPL in favour of Mr To    引導選民放棄民協,把票投給涂謹申(58)
whose political career hung in the balance   政治前途亮紅燈(58)
won Liberal Party parking    得到自由黨支持(58)
campaign van    選舉宣傳車(58)
announced their candidacy    宣布參選(58)
delivered pamphlets    派傳單(58)
split-ticket strategy    分名單策略(58)
were festooned with his banners and posters    掛滿他的橫額和海報(58) 
stray voters    游離份子(游離票)(58)
effect of guaranteed votes   
Voters have responded swiftly to media reports that Albert Chan Wai-yip was vulnerable and passed their votes to him, thereby diluting the votes of Lee Wing-tat.   
選民從媒體上得知陳偉業勢危, 反應迅速,把選票都投向他,從而分薄了李永達的票。(58)
still won two seats in New Territories West   
do the allocation of votes in a more skillful manner   
suffering a severe setback in the Legislative Council elections   
Its share of the vote slipped from 42.6 per cent in the 1998 poll to 34.7 per cent.   
Voter turnout came out to be 43.6 per cent, with 1.33 million registered voters casting their ballots.   
has refused to resign from Legislative Council   
business-oriented Liberal Party    側重商界的自由黨(58)
returned to the new legislature    再度被選為立法會議員(58)
using underhanded tactics to woo votes away from Emily Lau Wai-hing of The Frontier in New Territories East. Ms Lau said she had failed a complaint with Electoral Affairs Commission chairman Mr Justice Woo Kwok-hing.    用不光明的手段搶走劉慧卿的選票。劉慧卿已向選舉事務委員會主席胡國興投訴。(58)
April 5th Action Group    四五行動(58)
The constituency, covering Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, Kwai Chung, Tsing Yi and the outlying islands, has 791,746 registered voters, of whom 376,257 voted. There were 18 candidates on eight tickets fighting for six seats.    新界西選區涵蓋荃灣、屯門、元朗、葵青和離島,共有791,746名選民,其中376,257名選民有投票。該區共有八張名單,合共十八名候選人角逐六個議席。(58)
had been lagging in pre-election polls    選舉前的民議調查一度顯示他得票率落後(58)
tried his hand at elections in the mid-1980s    八零年代中期開始參選(58)
United Democrats of Hong Kong    港同盟(58) 


will be returned unopposed    將會自動當選(58)
will be returned uncontested    將會自動當選(58)
Nominations for next month's Legislative Council elections closed with 156 candidates yesterday.    立法會選舉提名期於昨日結束。今年立法會選舉共有一百五十六名候選人,將於下個月舉行。(58)
A total of 89 contenders are fighting for 24 directly elected seats.    共有八十九名候選人競逐二十四個直選議席。(58)
New Century Forum    新世紀論壇(58)
Fourteen candidates rushed to sign up yesterday, dashing hopes of uncontested victories for at least two Democrats, one industrialist and three unionists.    昨天十四名候選人衝刺報名,令最少兩名民主黨成員、一名工業家和三名工會派成員自動當選的希望落空。(58)
Chan Siu-king, non-affiliated, is making her political debut against incumbent Kenneth Ting Woo-shou of the Liberal Party in industrial first.    獨立候選人陳少瓊首次參選,挑戰競選連任的工業界(一)的自由黨候選人丁午壽。(58)
would benefit the pro-democracy camp    對民主派陣營有利(58)
In the geographical polls, the toughest fight will be in New Territories East, where 26 candidates on 10 tickets will be vying for five seats.    地區直選方面,以新界東選情最激烈。該區有十張名單,合共二十六名候選人競逐五個議席。(58)
April 5th Action Group    四五行動小組(58)
would only dilute votes of The Frontier's supporters    只會分薄前線的選票(58)
retain The Frontier's popularity    維持前線的受歡迎程度(58) 
Mr Cheng leads the DAB ticket in the Hong Kong Island constituency for next month's poll.    程介南位列民建聯港島區競選名單之首。(58)
was elected to Legco    當選立法會議員(58)
I didn't declare my interest in Asia Ford.    我沒有申報自己是富亞的股東。(58)
depart from the party line on a vote to benefit his clients    沒有為了客戶利益而違背黨的投票取向(58)
withdraw from the poll    退選(58)
Cheung Kong (Holdings) Ltd said it had never engaged the services of Mr Cheng's companies.    長實否認與程介南的顧問公司有任何關係。(58)
Mr Cheng did not disclosed to the legislature his majority shareholding in Asia Ford Consultants.    程介南沒有向立法會申報自己是富亞顧問公司的大股東。(58)
had amoral business dealings with big business    和大企業有不道德的商業交易(58)
proportional representation system    比例代表制(58)
Three political parties yesterday backed calls for an inquiry into the Gary Cheng Kai-nam scandal.    三個政黨昨日表態支持就程介南事件進行聆訊。(58)
seeking re-election in the Hong Kong Island constituency    在港島區競選連任(58)
Although he cannot drop out of the Legco race before the ballot, he has insisted on serving if re-elected.    在投票日前他不能退選,而他亦表示若然當選不會辭職。 (58)
Mr Cheng has taken advantage of being a legislator.    程介南濫用立法會議員權利,謀取自身利益。(58)
hoped a hearing could prevent a reoccurance    希望聆訊能防止事件重演(58)
damaged Legco's reputation    玷污立法會聲譽(58)


We're entering the election period and it's quite common for various parties to engage in stunts to increase their exposure.    選舉在即,各界出花招以增加曝光率實在不足為奇。(58)


Lawmakers yesterday passed an overwhelming vote of no confidence in two top housing officials following a series of public scandals.    連串公屋醜聞曝光後,立法會議員以大比數通過對兩名房屋署高官的不信任動議。(55)
At the end of a 4 1/2 - hour debate, members voted in favour of the Democrat-sponsored motion by 39 to mine, with six abstentions.    經過四個半小時辯論,議員以三十九票贊成,九票反對,六票棄權,通過由民主黨成員提出的動議。(55)
cast a no-confidence vote in officials    對官員投不信任票(55) 


denied there was any rift between them    否認兩人不和(58)
Certainly other people will view anyone pairing with me to be taking advantage of the coat-tail effect -- relying on me to be elected.    (劉慧卿說)很明顯任何和我同一張選單的候選人都會被說成是想靠我來贏取議席。(58)
stand on her own in the Legco election    (指何秀蘭)靠自己去參選立法會選舉(58)
running-mate    (同一張選單的)競選拍檔(58)
The popular labour rights campaigner, whose membership with The Frontier is at odds with the party, faces formal expulsion this month.    知名工會領袖劉千石,由於其前衝珖u和民主黨有衝突,可能於今個月被正式逐出民主黨。(58)
Mr Lau's party membership was suspended almost a year ago after he refused to quit The Frontier.    由於劉千石拒絕退出前翩A其民主黨黨席遭凍結一年。(58)
fielded candidates to contest geographical elections    派出黨員參加地區直選(58)
run on a joint ticket with Democrat James To Kun-sun in the Kowloon West constituency    和民主黨的涂謹申在九龍西以同一張名單參選(58)
The rift between the Democratic Party's mainstream and its Young Turks widened yesterday with the withdrawal of Chan Kwok-leung from the campaign.    陳國樑昨日退選,激化民主黨內主流陣營和少壯派的衝突。(58)
saying core members were trying to ostracise anyone not in the mainstream    指責黨內核心成員打壓少壯派(58)
canvass    拉票(58)
help him with his canvassing    幫他拉票(58)
placed former president Suharto under house arrest    軟禁前總統蘇哈圖(58)  


Liberal Democratic Party    (日本)自民黨(58)
decided to switch to the Hong Kong Island constituency    決定轉往港島區參選(58)
an aide to unionist legislator Lau Chin-shek    代表工會的立法會議員劉千石的助手(58)
The position is coveted because the large number of votes Ms Lau attracts makes it likely the second person on her ticket will also be elected.    由於劉慧卿能吸引大量選票,致使選單上排第二的候選人大有機會勝出,所以他們都想和她列在同一張選單。(58)
I have considered standing for the election for a long time.    我想參選已久。(58)


Now the man of whom a year ago almost no one had heard is in a position to re-shape Russia and the world.    這個一年前寂寂無名的人已身佔高位,足可以改變全俄羅斯,甚至全世界。(58)
Mr Putin won nearly 53 per cent of the vote on Sunday.    星期日的大選裡,普京得票率近百分之五十三。(58)


nomination primary    總統提名初選(58)
dropped General Wiranto from his cabinet    (瓦希德)解除維蘭托的內閣職務(58)
The military backed Mr Wahid and General Wiranto said he would go peacefully, easing fears the army would overthrow the country's first democratically elected president.    軍方表示會支持首任民選總統瓦希德,紓緩了軍方發動政變的危機。維蘭托表示會和平離開。(58)
ensure the inquiry into abuses committed in East Timor proceeded without any suggestion of bias    確保(維蘭托)就東渧汶屠殺事件得到公平審訊(58)
prerogative    特權(58)


agreed in principle that Hong Kong should have universal suffrage by 2008    原則上同意本港在2008年進行全面普選(58)
expressed support for sth    表示支持...(58)
being targeted by sb    被某人針對(58)
crossing swords over the party's direction and positioning    在黨的路向和定位方面意見分歧(58)
Mr. Lee attributed the defeat to insufficient efforts by members at the district level.    李柱銘認為選舉失利主要是因為黨員地區工作做得不夠。(58)
asked Xinhua to help lobby members for support on important issues    在重大議題上請新華社幫手拉票(55)
sought Xinhua's help during the vote on the bill to scrap the municipal councils    表決「殺局」草案時要求新華社協助拉票(55)
improving relations between the executive and the legislative    搞好行政立法關係(55)
fell foul of legislators    (計劃)得不到立法會議員的支持(55)