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remains under police watch    (出獄後)受公安監視
calling for tough and merciless military action    採取強硬和慘無人道的軍事行動
Li Peng, chairman of the National People's Congress    全國人大委員長李鵬
now the No.2 in the party hierarchy    中國共產黨的第二把交椅
veteran leaders    元老
party veterans    元老
in favour of resorting to bloodshed    採用流血事件這種下策
become a subversive base for overturning the Chinese Government    成為顛覆中國政府的基地


crack down on anti-Beijing protesters    鎮壓反共人士(59)
adherence to "one country, two systems"    落實「一國兩制」(59)
take concrete measures to defend the national interest and Beijing's authority    要切實維護中央的權威和國家的利益(59)
not allow anyone to stage activities against the central government    決不允許任何人進行針對中央政府的活動(59)
reinforced the importance of "one country, two systems"    重申一國兩際的重要性(59)
enjoyed a high degree of autonomy    享有高度自治(59)




The SAR's two top leaders yesterday reacted angrily to a warning from Beijing that business people should not trade with Taiwanese firms advocating independence.    北京人士昨日警告商人不應該和支持台獨的台商做生意,惹來特首和政務師師長憤怒回應。(59)


Beijing has pulled the plug on Taiwanese pop star Sherry Chang Huei-mei for singing the island's national anthem at President Chen Shui-bian's inauguration.    張惠妹在台灣總統就職典禮上唱中華民國國歌,遭中國政府封殺。(59)
have been ordered to stop running a Sprite commercial featuring the singer    被下令禁播張惠妹演出的雪碧廣告(59)




But dialogue or talks should be on the basis that [Chen] first of all recognise the 'one China' principle. Under this precondition, anything can be discussed.    但是談判、對話要有基礎,就是必須承認一個中國的原則。在這個前提下,甚麼都可以談。(59)


Beijing warned Taiwan for the first time yesterday that refusal to negotiate on reunification could lead to military invasion.    北京昨日首次警告,如果台灣拒絕就統一問題進行談判,中國就以武力侵台。(59)
sway Taiwanese presidential candidates and voters from supporting a move to independence    動搖支持台獨的台灣總統候選人和選民(59)


Liaison Office of the Central People's Government    中央人民政府聯絡辦公室(59)