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New Year countdown parties    倒數活動
a countdown carnival    倒數嘉年華
the "Apple Countdown" event    蘋果倒數
gathered at the harbourside promenade and clock tower areas    集中在尖沙咀海傍和鐘樓一帶
a paradise of cuisine    美食天堂




matchmaking agencies    婚姻介紹所(86)
a jilted lover    被人拋棄的情人(86)


donate $5 million to charity    捐五百萬元給慈善機構(74)
the under-privileged in society    社會低下層人士(74) 
The Mark Six lottery jackpot snowballed to an unprecedented $120 million yesterday as there was no winner of the top prize in Tuesday's draw.    六合彩昨日頭獎無人中,令多寶獎金創下一億二千萬元的歷史新高。(86)
There was no first prize winner for the draw for the fifth consecutive time.    已經連續五次攪珠無人中頭獎。(86)
We expect there will be lots of people going to buy tickets due to the snowballing jackpot.    由於累積獎金豐厚,預期會有很多買今期的六合彩。(86)
had ridden 28 career winners    曾勝出二十八場頭馬(85)
A inquiry into the fall held yesterday exonerated the jockeys who rode in the race and said the state of the track played no part.    馬會昨日展開調查,證實墮馬事件和其他參賽騎師無關,亦和賽道程況無關。(85)


eulogy    頌詞(86)
cortege    送葬行列(86)
Leung's coffin was draped with the national flag    梁的靈柩蓋上國旗(86)
Gallant Garden    浩園(86)
had shown prejudice against people with disabilities    歧視殘疾人士(86)
Carrefour hypermarket    家樂福超級市場(86)


grandiose wedding    鋪張的婚禮(86)
Tommy Cheung Yu-yan, convenor of the Hong Kong Catering Industry Association    飲食業聯合總會召集人張宇人(86)
Barnabas Charitable Service Association    巴拿巴愛心服務團(74)
bowed before pictures of the dead    向死者遺照鞠躬(86)




has two daughters by a previous husband    有兩名和前夫所生的女兒(86)


Large area of the northwest New Territories were under water yesterday as torrential rain swept across the SAR.    昨日香港廣泛地區下大雨,新界西北多處出現水浸。(73) 
reports of flooding    水浸報告(73)
foster mother    養母(86)
on-line store    網上商店(46)
is not covered by our warranty    我們不會為......提供保養服務(46)
offer a one-year warranty    提供一年保養(46)
national treasures    國寶(86)
auction houses    拍賣行(86)


since inception    從一開始(86)
golden bachelor    鑽石王老五(86)
UV rays index    紫外線指數(73)
suntan lotion    太陽油(46)


Shi Yong Xin, head of the Shaolin Temple    少林方丈釋永信(86)
counter the growth of offshore betting    打擊日益猖獗的外圍投注(86)
wanted a bigger jackpot    希望增加顏獎金額(86)
failed leakage and strength tests    不通過防漏和韌度測試(46)
sobered up    酒醒(86)
takings    施捨給乞丐的錢(74)


predate    早於(86)
cold snap    驟冷(73)
street-sleepers    露宿者(74)
fight discrimination against homosexuals    反對同性戀歧視(86)
gay newsletter    同志刊物(86)
alleviate consumers' worries    減輕消費者疑慮(46)
protect their right of access to information    保障他們的知情權(46)
philanthropist    慈善家(74)
Ho Ying-chie    何英傑、何伯(74)
About 200 mourners attended Ho's funeral at the Hong Kong Funeral Parlour yesterday following his death in hospital at the age of 89 last week.    何伯昨日在香港殯儀館舉殯,約二百人到場致祭。何伯上周五於醫院病逝,享年八十九歲。
Those paying tribute included...    到場致祭人士包括...(86)
wreath    (葬禮用的)花圈(86)