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completed cadet training    完成警察訓練過程
are always on irregular shifts    更期經常不規律
put up fences and introduced crowd control measures    架起鐵欄和採取人流控制措施
closing major roads to cars in Tsim Sha Tsui    在尖沙咀主要道路實行封路措施
underground pirated goods production centre    地下翻版光碟製造工場
seized pirated CD-ROM products    搜獲的翻版光碟
undercover ICAC officers    廉署臥底
collect incriminating evidence    (臥底)搜集犯罪證據
since 1997 an average of 20 investigations each year had involved undercover work    自九七年起平均每年有二十宗查案需要臥底人員協助
undercover agents    臥底
those working undercover    臥底人員
undercover officers    臥底
undercover work    臥底工作
The businessman was released unconditionally after helping with inquiries.    該名商人協助調查後獲無條件釋放。


depravity    道德敗壞(18)
callousness    麻木不仁(18)
viciousness    邪惡(18)
brutality    殘酷、慘無人道(18)
was tortured for a month while held captive    在被幽禁的一個月裡受盡折磨(18)
metal water pipe    水喉通(18)
perversion    變態(18)
sadistic    虐待狂傾向的(18)
have smashed a Hong Kong-masterminded international piracy racket    搗破一個由香港人做主腦的國際盜版集團(24)
stampers    製作翻版軟件的母盤(24)
The International Federation of Phonographic Industries    國際唱片業協會(24)
operated under the protection of Government officials    受政府官員包庇(24)
digital tapes believed to contain illegal recordings of films from cinemas    在戲院裡非法錄影的數碼影帶(24)
took online orders for pitated CD-ROM games    於網上售賣翻版遊戲光碟(24)
They were priced at $100 for seven games.    一百元七隻遊戲。(24)
were at risk of committing an offence    可能會誤墮法網(17)
drink-driving    醉酒駕駛(17)
failed to give a breath test    未能進行酒精測試(17)
obtain a sample of Mr Wong's breath    取得呼氣酒精樣本(17)
Failure to provide a breath specimen without a reasonable excuse can result in three years' imprisonment and a driving ban of two years, the same for drink-driving.   任何人士無合理解釋而沒有提供呼氣樣本,刑罰等同酒後駕駛,有關罪名一旦成立,最高刑罰為入獄三年和停牌兩年。(17)
confidence tricksters    設騙局的人(22)
gullible    容易受騙的(22)
have been duped    被騙(22)
fraudsters    行騙者(22)
an elaborate hoax    巧妙的騙局(22)
pyramid investment scheme    層壓式消費供款計劃(22)
promised clients lucrative returns    向客戶承諾會有可觀回報(22)
have been frozen under restraint orders    經禁制令凍結(22)
The operation was set off after a complaint against the company was received in August.    警方在八月接獲一宗投訴後展開行動。(17)
after four months of investigation    經過四個月的調查(17)
had been lured into joining a plan    被引誘參加一項供款計劃(22)
A teenager has been arrested in connection with attacks on six pregnant women at public housing estates in Wong Tai Sin between May and this month, police said yesterday.    警方昨日表示,一名在五月至本月期間襲擊了六名孕婦的青年已落網。(18)
undercover policewomen    便衣女警(17)
conducted door-to-door chicks on public housing estates    在公共屋村逐戶調查(17)
a photopit picture of the attacker    疑犯拼圖(17)
pleaded with Christians to avoid seeking vengeance    呼籲基督徒不要報復(21)
exploded    爆炸(21)
went off    爆炸(21)
at least two people had been declared suspect    已有最少兩人被捕(17)
whipping up religious hatred    挑起宗教戰爭(21)
retaliatory violence    報復行動(21)
information from police intelligence indicates...    警方情報顯示(17)
creating fear and panic    製造恐慌(21)
shattering nearby vehicles and causing fires    破壞附近停泊的車輛,並引起火警(21)
disarm a bomb    拆除炸彈(21)
unexploded bombs    尚未引爆的炸彈(21)
Some bombs had been sent to clerics wrapped as gifts.    把炸彈包裹成禮物模樣送到神職人員手上。(21)
No one claimed responsibility.    未有組織承認責任。(21)
questioned    盤問(17) 
sectarian violence    宗教暴力事件(21)
denied involvement    表示和事件無關(21)
condemned the violence    譴責是次暴力事件(21)


took pay-offs    收受賄款(23)
was shot 165 times with an air rifle    被汽槍射擊165次(18)
sprayed with insecticide    被噴殺蟲水(18)
had petrol poured on to his buttocks    臀部被淋上電油(18)
assailant    使用暴力的人(18)
a flat where he met his death    他死時所身處的單位(18)
died as a result of injuries inflicted on his head    頭部受傷致死(18)
trial family discipline    黑幫家法(18)
pipe wrench    士巴拿(18)
the deceased    死者(18)
sex workers    性工作者(20)
sexually transmitted diseases    經性接觸傳染疾病(20)
do not insist their regular partners use condoms    沒有要求她們的固定性伴侶使用安全套(20)
having casual sex    性生活隨便(20)
always insisted on condoms    堅持要用安全套(20)
never used a condom    從不使用安全套(20)
never used a condom for casual sex    和非固定性伴侶進行性行為時從不使用安全套(20)
regular sex partners    固定性伴侶(20)
contracting HIV    感染愛滋病病毒(20)
Hong Kong Coalition of Aids Service Organisations     香港愛滋病服務機構聯盟社(20)
She conceded many women were put under pressure not to use condoms to avoid upsetting their sex partners.    她承認很多女性為免觸怒她們的性伴侶,只好放棄使用避孕套。(20)
Some wives continued to have unprotected sex even though they knew their husbands were having affairs.    有些婦女即使知道丈夫出外尋花問柳,做愛時依然不採取防禦措施。(20)
gonorrhea    淋病(20)
I knew they were from my husband because I've never betrayed him.    我知道這些病一定是丈夫傳染給我,因為我從來沒有其他的性伴侶。(20)
home-visit permit    回鄉證(20)
married on the mainland    在內地結婚(20)
child-sex abuse    兒童性侵犯(20)
The director of Against Child Abuse, Priscilla Lui Tsang Sun-kai    防止虐待兒童會總幹事雷張慎佳(20)
The number recorded might not be enormous but the rate of increase is worth our concern.    個案數字雖然不是很多,但其增長速度值得我們關注。(20)
A Customs taskforce set up last year to battle Internet piracy has failed to secure any prosecutions.    海關去年成立了工作小組,專門打擊網上盜版,但至今還沒有作過一次檢控。(24)
the difficulty in producing evidence admissible in court    難以提出可呈上法庭的證物(24)
amending legislation to help curb Internet piracy    修改條例去打擊網上盜版(24)
Yuan Hua Group    遠華集團(23)
were allegedly obtained illegally    透過不法手段得來(假護照)(22)
fraudulently    用欺騙手段(22)


A woman was tortured and her body dismembered, cooked and dumped -- with her head stuffed inside a Hello Kitty doll, a jury heard yesterday on the opening day of her murder trial.    舞女謀殺案昨日展開首日聆訊,案情透露一名舞女遭人虐殺,犯人殺人後把屍體支解並烹熟棄置,然後把死者頭部縫合於吉蒂貓公仔內。(18)
badly decomposed    嚴重腐爛的(內臟)(18)
a sordid case    案情惡心(18)
witnessed Fan being assaulted    目睹樊敏儀遭虐打(18)
burn a drinking straw with a cigarette lighter, causing hot plastic to fall on Fan's feet    用打火機燒飲管,把滴出的熔液滴在樊敏儀的腳上(18)
was also forced to drink a cocktail of oil, oyster sauce and chilli sauce    把油、蠔油和辣椒醬混合迫她喝(18)
was kept prisoner in a Granville Road flat    被禁錮在加連威老道一個單位(18)
Her internal organs were found dumped in a plastic bag.    在一個膠袋裡發現她的內臟。(18)
grope    為求快感撫摸女性身體、非禮(20)
The Organised Crime and Triad Bureau    有組織罪案及三合會調查課(O記)(17)
escape detection    掩人耳目(17)
mainland prostitutes    北姑(20)
vice premises    色情架步(20)
anti-vice raids    掃黃行動(20)
were arrested for breach of condition of stay    違反逗留條件而被捕(20)
were rounded up for managing a vice establishment    經營色情架步而被捕(20)
are abusive in issuing these permits    濫發雙程證(20)
report back to police    向警方報到(17)
frontline police morale    前線警員士氣(17)
bigamy law    重婚法(20)
cheating husbands    有外遇丈夫(20)
set up home with mistresses on the mainland    在內地金屋藏嬌(20)
flit between wives in the SAR and live-in mistresses on the mainland    香港有妻子,內地有情婦,一腳踏兩船兩頭走(20)
cross-border affairs    跨境婚外情(20)
taking mainland mistresses    上內地包二奶(20)
a cheated Hong Kong wife    丈夫有外遇的香港太太(20)
take her husband to court on the mainland    在內地起告她的丈夫(20)
keeping a mainland mistress    上內地包二奶(20)
had a concubine    有二奶、有情婦(20)
planning a divorce    計劃離婚(20)
bigamists    重婚者(20)
A handful of Hong Kong men have been jailed on the mainland for bigamy offences but convictions are rare.    少數香港人曾因重婚罪而在內地被判入獄,但這些個案著實不多。(20)
embark on affairs with married men or women    和已婚人士發展三角戀、做第三者(20)
third parties in affairs    第三者(20)
male lovers    男性第三者(20)
having affair with someone from work    和同事展開三角戀(20)
Their spouses were ignorant of their relationships.    配偶對自己有外遇毫不知情。(20)
were unhappy with married life    對婚姻生活感到不如意(20)
the destroyer of happy families    破壞別人家庭幸福的人(20)
making nuisance calls    打電話騷擾人(17)


with police in pursuit    被警方追捕(17)
sandwiched the taxi in a queue    把的士卡在車龍裡(17)
was helping police inquires    協助警方調查(17)
threatened nine staff with what appeared to be a pistol    用類似手槍物體指嚇九名店員(17)
tailed the pair    跟蹤兩人(17)
marked down the number-plate number    記下車牌號碼(17)
was released from nine months' solitary confinement    經九個月單獨囚禁被釋放(17)
was repeatedly denied bail    多次被拒保釋(17)
lie detector tests    測謊(17) 
swindled the Government out of more than $330,000 in housing allowances    騙取超過三十三萬元房屋津貼(23)
aiding and abetting the offence    協助及教唆他人犯罪(23)
The application allegedly contained a false statement which claimed the property was not owned by the couple or their families and that they did not have a financial interest in it.    單氏夫婦申請房屋津貼時,涉嫌虛假聲稱其所租用的單位並非她倆及其家人所擁有,又聲稱租用該單位並無財務利益。(23)
tenancy allowance    房屋津貼(23)
a shelf company    空殼公司(23) 
A gang making pirate compact discs churned out thousands of fakes using a New Territories pig farm as cover.    一個翻版光碟集團用新界豬場作掩飾,生產數以萬計的翻版光碟。(24)
used the stench and oinking of the pigs to cover production noise and the smell of chemicals needed to make discs    利用豬場發出的臭味和豬叫聲來掩蓋製作光碟時發出的噪音和化學品的氣味(24)
Customs Intellectual Property Investigation Bureau    海關版權及商標調查科(24)
to ensure order   確保秩序良好(17)


had his property confiscated    財產被充公(23)
His gains totalled 41 million yuan , all of which was deposited in overseas banks.    他共斂財四千一百萬元人民幣,全部賄款都存在海外銀行。(23)
tarnished the clean and honest image of government workers    玷污了政府公僕廉潔誠實的形象(23)
discredited the fine reputation of government officials    影響了政府官員的良好聲譽(23)
Xinhua said "all illegal deposits" except the money taken by Cheung had been recovered.    新華社表示,除了成克杰已提走的款項外,所有貪污得來的存款已追回。(23)
began their collaboration in 1993    1993年開始合謀(23)
central figure    焦點人物(23)
began an intimate relationship with Cheng    開始和成克杰親熱(20)
Analysts said Beijing was holding Cheung up as a signal to the public to show it was serious about cracking down on government graft.    分析員表示中國政府藉成克杰一案顯示政府嚴打貪污。(23) 
Deputy Secretary for Security Chang King-yiu    副保安局長張瓊瑤(17)
police negotiator    警方談判專家(17)
cases of missing motor vehicles    失車個案(17)
used chloroform on a sleeping teenage girl    用哥羅芳襲擊入睡少女(17)
denies twice raping the girl and taking her for an abortion    否認兩度強姦少女及帶她去進行墮胎手術(20)
admitted three charges of having sex with her    承認三項非法性交控罪(20)
kill him in revenge    為報仇而要殺他(17)
He said there had been two occasions when the girl had worried that she was pregnant, but they had turned out to be false alarm.    他稱少女曾兩度懷疑自己懷孕而擔心不已,但最後證實只是一場虛驚。(20)  


beat a suspect into making a confession    歐打犯人迫供(18)
falsified the records to cover up the assault    偽造紀錄,隱瞞毆打事件(17)
police brutality    警察虐打犯人事件(17)
oppressive conduct    暴行(18)
clapped on his ears     掌摑耳朵(18)
handcuffed him to a chair    以手銬反鎖在椅上(18)
stripped him    脫去他的衣服(18)
left Mr Chan with a perforated left eardrum    導致陳先生左耳耳膜破裂(18)
Ecstacy    搖頭丸(24)
marijuana    大麻(24)
ketamine    茄/K仔(24)
quit Ecstasy with the help of the association    在協會協助下戒掉搖頭丸(24)
violently dragged the domestic helper to his bed, pulled off her clothes and raped her    強拉菲傭上他的床,脫去她的衣服,強姦她(20)
give him a massage    替他按摩(20)
consented to sex    同意有性行為(20)
Clarie Lo Ku Ka-lee    禁毒專員盧古嘉(24)
young drug abusers    濫用藥物的青年人(24)
strengthened Customs inspection at cross-border check-points    海關在邊境過關站加強搜查(24)


were yesterday accused of using excessive force    昨被譴責過分使用武力(17)
demanded an explanation from the police for their actions    要求警方對其行動作出解釋(17)
used pepper spray    使用胡椒噴霧(17)


started surveillance of the activities last May    去年五月起監視(該等犯罪活動)(23)
callous    沒有同情心的(17)
slay    殺害(17)


Wong had earlier pleaded guilty in San Po Kong Court to bestiality involving a black female labrador.    黃於較早前已在新蒲崗法院認罪,承認和一隻黑色雌性的拉布拉多獵犬進行人狗交。(20)
tip-off    密報(17)
was called to the scene    奉召到現場(17)


beat up sb    毆打(18)
The police are so barbaric. It's like a return to the 1960s.    警察很野蠻,我像返回六十年代。(18)
dropped the case    銷案(17)
lodged two complaints with the force    兩度向警方投訴(17)
assaulting police    襲警(17)
live-in partner    同居伴侶(20)
was arrested by the ICAC on January 9 over the scandal    在一月九日就是次醜聞遭廉政公署拘捕(23)
Life was worse than death.    生不如死。(18)
The Hong Kong Association for the Survivors of Women Abuse (Kwan Fook)    福群婦女權益會(20)
being forced to have sex against their will    強迫發生性行為(20)
imitate actresses of pornographic films    模仿色情影片中的女角(20)
have sex in the presence of a third party    在第三者面前發生性行為(20)
Sony has mustered a lot of courage to talk about her unhappy experience in public.    Sony鼓起了很大的勇氣才敢在大眾面前談她那段痛苦的經歷。(20) 


step up patrols    加強巡邏(17)
heighten security measures    加強保安措施(17)
caretakers    看更(17)
contraband    走私貨、走私的(24)
have criminal records    有刑事案底(17)
intoxicated    醉了的(18)
He's a little skinny guy, but when he grabbed me his strength was astonishing.    (鄭中基)雖然看來瘦削,但他抓住我時,可是力大無窮。(18)
shoved    推(18)
jerked me forward and down    把我推前扯後(18)
in a reaction of self-defence    出於自衛(18)
split his scalp open    令他頭破血流(18)
setting her body alight    燒屍(17)


head-basher    扑頭黨(17)
hit sb on the head    扑某人的頭(17)
nimble detective    頭腦敏捷的偵探(17)
are very casual about sexual relationships    性關係很隨便(20)
imposter    冒充他人的騙子(22)
fake notes    偽鈔(22)
metal thread    (鈔票)金屬線(22)
counterfeit notes    偽鈔(22)
watermarks    (鈔票)水印(22)
concealed denominations    (鈔票)隱形銀碼(22)
genuine notes    真鈔(22)