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people who are servicing mortgages    正在供樓的人
negative household equity    負資產
home owners whose homes are worth less than they paid for them    負資產人士
provide cash help for those suffering from negative property assets    對負資產人士提供現金援助
those with negative property assets    負資產人士
increase the tax allowance for those paying mortgages    提高供樓人士的免稅額


Authorities in Dongguan yesterday ordered a city-wide inspection following a building collapse that killed at least eight people.     東莞市政府昨日下令檢查全市樓宇。日前東莞市發生樓宇倒塌慘劇,釀成最少八人死亡。(31)
seek out unsafe buildings    找出危樓(31)
put a stop to unregistered construction projects    下令停止未登記的地盤工程(31)
reclamation plan    填海計劃(31)
consultation period    諮詢期(31)
has attracted a flood of opposition from green groups and architects     引來環保團體和建築界人士大量反對聲音(31)
reclaim 79 hectares off Kennedy Town    在堅尼地城對開海面填海七十九公頃(31)
the reclaimed land    填海所得的土地(31)
reclaimed 193 hectares in the harbour    在維港填海一百九十三公頃(31)


The weak property market will be dealt a blow by a Housing Authority's plan to sell more than 26,000 subsidised flats next year, property agents say.    地產經紀表示,房屋局計劃多推出二萬六千個居屋單位,會對疲弱的樓市雪上加霜。(31)
have stopped putting new flats up for sale since mid-October    自十月中以來沒有再出售新單位(31)
remained unsold    仍未推出市場出售(31)
had been built but not put on the market    已落成但未發售(31)
People are becoming more reserved in buying private flats in view of the unclear market future.    由於市況不明朗,市民越來越不願意購買私人住宅單位(31)
single home buyers    單身置業人士(31)


still has a mortgage to pay off    仍要供樓(31)


stilt houses    (大澳)棚屋(31) 
refused to be rehoused outside Tai O    拒絕搬離大澳(31)


Home owners    業主(31)
rebuild confidence in public housing    重建市民對公屋信心(31)
cover up the problems in housing    隱藏公屋問題(31)
Director of Housing Tony Miller    房屋署署長苗學禮(31)


pre-war houses    戰前樓宇(31)


calling tender    招標(31)
providing a potential floor area of about 900,000 square feet    可建樓面面積約九十萬平方呎(31)
the top developers    大型發展商(31)
made their bids for the 1.49 hectare site    競投面積達1.49公頃的地皮(31) 


high-rise blocks    多層樓宇(31)
are to be torn down    將要拆卸(31)
Most of the foundation piles were not suck deeply enough.    大部分樁柱過短。(31)
pulling the blocks down    拆卸樓宇(31)
demolition    拆卸(31)
start a tendering process for the work    開始為該工程招標(31)
We cannot compromise safety.    面對安全問題,我們絕對不能讓步。(31)
restore public confidence in public housing    挽回公眾對居屋的信心(31)
substandard tiles    不合格的樁柱(31)
met contract specifications    符合合約要求(31)
was only half the required depth    (樁柱)長度僅及標準長度的一半(31)


sublet    轉租(31)


New World Development chairman Cheng Yu-tung    新世界發展集團主席鄭裕彤