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bloodily suppressed democratic protests 血腥鎮壓民主示威


intensifying a campaign against cybercafes    加強取締網吧(125)


introduce legislation against the Falun Gong    立法打壓法輪功(125)


''Officials in Hong Kong are trying to toe Beijing's line in attacking the Falun Gong.    香港官員正在跟隨中央政府抹黑法輪功。(125)
The Chief Executive escalated the rhetoric over Falun Gong's activities in Hong Kong by telling lawmakers that the meditation sect is a well-organised and politically motivated cult - going beyond his previous contention that Falun Gong ''more or less has the characteristics of an evil cult.''    特首對香港法輪功活動的口誅升級:他在立法會答問大會中表示法輪功組織嚴密及有政治目的。較早時候特首曾批評法輪功「或多或少有邪教性質」。(125)
Mr Tung said he sees no reason at this stage to outlaw Falun Gong.    董建華表示現階段無須立法取締法輪功。(125)
studying an anti-cult laws abroad    研究海外的反邪教法(125)


Fears of a ban were fanned when the Government confirmed it was studying overseas anti-cult legislation.    政府表示正研究海外反邪教法例,令人憂心政府會立法打壓法輪功。(125)
stepped up verbal attacks on the sect    進一步抨擊法輪功(125)
conducted meditation exercises    (法輪功)練功(125)
There is no question of Beijing mounting pressure on the SAR to ban the sect.    毫無疑問中央政府正向港府逐步施壓要取締法輪功。(125)


lead people into superstition    導人迷信
I have never said Falun Gong has breached the law. But they might do that in the future.    目前冇話佢違法,但唔代表以後唔會違法。
National People's Congress Standing Committee member Tsang Hin-chi    全國人大常委曾憲梓
Xu Simin, a Standing Committee member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference    全國政協常委徐四民
branded the sect a devious organisation that needed to be watched closely    表示法輪功乃旁門左道,需要高度注視
defined the sect as an evil cult    將法輪功列為邪教
The harsh crackdown has drawn international condemnation.    嚴厲打壓法輪功已招來國際譴責。
Zhu made clear the crackdown on the Falun Gong would continue to be a top priority for the government.    朱鎔基重申打壓法輪功為中國政府首要任務。
denounced the persecution of the sect's followers by Beijing    譴責北京當局檢控法輪功學員
condemn China's poor record on human rights    譴責中國人權紀碌差勁
legislate against the sect    立法打壓法輪功


has provoked condemnation from many Western countries    受到很多西方國家譴責
were hauled away    被(公安)強行帶走
considered enacting a subversion law to regulate the activities of Falun Gong in the SAR    考慮立顛覆罪來管制法輪功在香港的活動
had increased political pressure on the group    向法輪功增加政治壓力
creating a white terror    製造白色恐怖
have someone spying on them around the clock    派人二十四小時監視法輪功
tighten vetting for the Falun Gong public activities    加緊審查法輪功的公眾活動
keep a close watch on Falun Gong activities    密切監視法輪功活動
observe closely the activities of the Falun Gong    密切監視法輪功活動
an evil cult    邪教
HKSAR Government will not allow anyone to abuse Hong Kong's freedoms and tolerance to affect public peace and order in the HKSAR, or public peace and order in the mainland.    特區政府不會容許有人利用香港的言論自由和容忍,影響特區或內地的社會跌序及安寧。
speed up introduction of an anti-subversion law    加快設立顛覆罪
Recently, the activities of the Falun Gong in Hong Kong have escalated and they have targeted the central Government.    法輪功在港的活動針對中央,近日並有升級。
Falun Gong's Hong Kong spokesman Kan Hung-cheung    香港法輪佛學會發言人簡鴻章
stepping up pressure on the group    向(法輪功)加壓
had some characteristics of ''an evil cult''    或多或少有邪教性質
keeping a close watch on the situation    密切視察情況
label a group as an evil cult    指一個組織為邪教   
