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small depositors    小額存戶
Standard Chartered customers who allow their account balances to fall below $10,000 on any single day in a month will pay a monthly charge of $100.    渣打銀行存戶如在任何一日的結餘少於一萬元,即要在該月支付一百元月費。
new customers    新存戶
existing customers    現有存戶 
sharply increase charges imposed on most small depositors    大大增加向大部分小存戶收取的費用
The increased fee will take effect from Tuesday for new customers and April 1 for existing customers.    渣打將在星期二向新存戶徵收新收費,舊存戶則會到四月一日才開始被徵收新收費。
payroll account    出糧戶口


many people were still struggling to make ends meet    市民生活仍然捉襟見肘(47)
The increase would generate $600 million a year.    加價能為公司每年帶來六億元收益。(47)


cutting operating costs    減低營運成本(47)


concession tax    寬減稅項(48)




held majority shares in Asia Ford    是富亞的大股東(47)
the major shareholder    大股東(47)
transnational corporations    跨國企業(47)
public relations firms    公關公司(47)




cement economic and social ties with the mainland    加強和內地的經濟和社會聯繫(47)


Firms are now facing fiercer competition than ever before.    公司間競爭之激烈是前所未有。(47)
Customers are ever more demanding because of a greater choice and better access to information.    由於選擇和所獲得的資料多了,消費者的要求比以前更高。(47)
outsourcing of non-core services    外判非核心業務(47)
low-income earners    低收入人士(47)
The Octopus card's popularity was ensured by its status as the monopoly card-payment system for the MTR and other transport services.    八達通是唯一一張電子錢卡能夠用來乘搭地鐵和其他交通工具,故一直以來很多人使用。(47) 


The budget deficit had dropped from a forecast $36.5 billion to just $1.6 billion.    預算案赤字由預期的三百六十五億元大幅減少至十六億元。(47)
stamp duty on stock transactions    股票交易印花稅(48)
exacerbate the uneven distribution of wealth    加劇貧富懸殊(47)
Li Ka-shing's Hutchison Whampao has reported the biggest profit in Hong Kong's corporate history.    李嘉誠名下的和記黃埔公布業績,盈利之多破盡香港紀錄。(47)
Hutchison made $117.34 billion last year, due mostly to a huge windfall from the sale of its stake in British mobile phone firm Orange.    和黃去年全年盈利共一千一百七十三億四千萬元,大部分收益來自出售英國流動電話公司Orange的股權。(47)
exceptional profit    特殊收益(47)
flagship    旗艦公司(47)
with ulterior motives    別有用心(47)
core businesses    核心業務(47)


Stanley Ho Hung-sun    何鴻燊(47)
has been negotiating with Singapore Telecommunications over a possible merge    正在和星加坡電訊商討合併事宜(47)
acquiring a stake in the telecoms company    收購香港電訊的股份(47)
News Corp said it would take a four per cent stake in SingTel. The companies would formed a partnership to develop broadband Internet and wireless business in Asia, they said.    新聞集團會佔星電百分之四股權。兩家公司將共同於亞洲區內發展寬頻互聯網及流動通訊服務。(47)
It would offer one of its shares plus up to $9 cash for every HKT share.    星電會以一股星電加九元現金換一股香港電訊。(47)
CyberWorks was said to have proposed two offers valuing HKT at between $277.7 billion and $295.6 billion.    盈動提出兩個收購方案,把香港電訊估值介乎於二千二百七十七億至二千九百五十六億元。(47)
multi-faceted    多方面的(47)
financing plans    融資計劃(47)
HSBC Holdings unveiled higher-than-expected full-year profits yesterday.    匯豐控股昨日公布全年業績,盈利較預期理想。(47)
Overall provisions for bad debts fell 21.4 per cent to US$2.07 billion.    整體壞帳撥備為二十億七千萬美元,較去年減少百分之二十一點四。(47)   


Leading political parties expressed strong opposition yesterday to the introduction of a sales tax in the next financial year, claiming it would hurt the recovering economy.    各大政黨昨日強烈反對政府在下個財政年度開徵銷售稅,認為會削弱本港正在復甦的經濟。(48)
widen the revenue base    擴闊稅基(48)
sell the same quality product at a fraction of the price    以低很多的價錢售賣同樣質素的貨品(47)
run promotions    做宣傳(47)
credit rating    信貸評級(47)